Tim Han Success Insider: Comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t compare yourself to others, instead value what you are inside and recognise your strengths ❤️

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Every one of us has a unique path in life. Take myself, Tim Han, for example. We may be tempted to compare ourselves with others, a habit we've probably picked up early in our lives. We may look at our friends, neighbors, or the flashy posts on social media and think, “I wish I had what they have.”

But here's an important truth: comparison is the thief of joy. When we contrast our lives to those of others, we are essentially telling ourselves that we are not enough. That couldn't be further from the truth.

One thing I've learned on my personal journey and as the founder of Success Insider is that every individual has a wellspring of potential within. Each person has strengths unique to them. These are the true sources of accomplishment and joy in life. And the key to uncovering these strengths lies in understanding and valuing who we truly are, and not staring jealously at the achievement of others.

Consider the story of Bethany Hamilton. When she was thirteen, a shark attack resulted in the loss of her left arm. Despite such a catastrophic event, she didn't spend her time brooding or comparing her life to others. Instead, she focused on her strength – her unwavering spirit. She returned to competitive surfing, inspiring millions around the globe along the way.

Now, how does one get to know oneself? Through journey-worthy endeavors, through triumphs and trials, through lessons learned. Reflection makes unfamiliar feelings familiar, and it's okay to reach out for help in this process.

One tool can be something like the LMA course I created (Lifemastery Achievers course), which focuses on self-realization and development. But remember, this is just a tool, the work still needs to come from within. Similar resources, mentors, or coaches do not provide solutions, instead, they help you get in touch with your deepest truths.

Personal development might sound like a big, daunting task. It needn't be. We can start small. Consciously make the decision not to compare yourself with others. Each time you catch yourself doing so, gently bring your focus back to your strengths, your achievements, and your path. Isn't it ridiculous – the idea of comparing our profound, unique, multifaceted lives to a slim slice of someone else's reality that we see on social media? It doesn't do justice to any of us.

What is one strength you possess that makes you genuinely proud? How can you use it to lift others? Reflect on these questions. Write them down, and read them frequently to remind yourself of your uniqueness.

The next step is to recognize your wins. Did you make someone laugh today? That's an achievement. Did you make a healthy choice? Again, that's a win. Each step, however small, takes us closer to our goal. Celebrate your wins, no matter how trivial they may seem.

Lastly, develop a self-love routine. Self-love here isn't about being narcissistic or selfish, but rather honouring our needs and caring for ourselves. This can look different for different people – for some, it could be a meditative walk in nature, while for others, it might be curling up with a great book.

Remember, it's a journey, not a race. Take your time and value every step. Like all worthwhile things, this process will demand time and effort. But the result, a life lived from a place of self-value and joy, independent of comparisons, unfettered by self-doubt and societal pressure, is worth every bit of effort.

So, in the immortal words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Be you. Value yourself. Recognize your strengths and live each day celebrating the powerful, unique being that you are. Life's joy is in being you.

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