Tim Han Success Insider: Never allow your negative chatter to convince you that your progress is too slow or that you are failing. You’re not failing, you’re growing. ❤️

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We've all been there. That little voice inside your head starts picking apart every move you make, whispering that you're not doing enough, that you're not making progress. That voice is your negative chatter, and it's built on fear and self-doubt.

For me, Tim Han, it was the voice that often whispered just when I was about to launch into something big—whispered, then hollered its disapproval. The first time I heard it, I was about to embark on the journey of establishing Success Insider, a personal development education company aimed at helping individuals grow and realize their creative potential.

“That's too big. You can't possibly succeed,” it began. Once the voice embedded itself, it seemed to grow louder, casting long shadows on my dreams.

Here's what I found about our negative chatter: it loves when we listen. The more we entertain it, the louder and more compelling it becomes—the more real it seems. But let me assure you, that dark voice is not you. It's a part of you, yes, but it shouldn't be the part driving your decisions.

Think about it, when has any growth ever been painless or smooth-sailing? When a tree grows, its bark cracks to accommodate the new girth. When muscles grow stronger, they ache from the effort. Growth is not always comfortable, but it is necessary.

So, how do we silence this detrimental voice? The first step involves recognizing it for what it is—your fear and doubt trying to keep you safe in your comfort zone. Once you identify this voice as fear, you can then choose not to listen to it. The keyword here is choice.

Your fear is valid. It comes from a genuine place of protecting you from pain, from rejection. But overcoming that fear is like taking a step out of a cocoon—it's necessary for your transformation.

That doesn't mean the fear disappears forever. Like a persistent mosquito, it can find its way back. Every so often, even as Success Insider flourished and journeyed towards becoming a beacon for those seeking personal development, I would hear it. Only this time, there was a stark difference. I was not listening anymore—I was choosing to stay focused on the growth ahead.

Instead of engaging with these negative thoughts, counter them with positive affirmation. Repeat to yourself: “I am growing. I may move at my pace, but I am continuing forward”. The presence of fear doesn't mean you're failing—it means you're growing; it means you're stepping outside your comfort zone.

It’s critical for you to embrace the faith that every single bit of progress counts, no matter how small or how slow. Everyone’s journey is different and, ultimately, the only person you are in competition with is yourself.

And hear me out, you will come across people who appear to be more successful, progressing faster—don't let that comparison loophole ensnare you. Their journey is theirs alone. They have their speed, you have yours. The beauty of growth is its unique pattern in each of us.

Finally, find your sea of influence. Surround yourself with people who believe in your goals, even when you might falter. Together, you can hold this space for growth, nurturing each other and acknowledging that fear is just a stepping-stone on the road to better things.

Remember, the LMA course (Life Mastery Achievements) is structured to empower, enhance your self-belief, and inspire action towards your dreams. Utilize it to navigate through your growth journey.

So, the next time you hear that negative chatter, let it be your cue that you're about to do something unnerving, something that will make you grow. Smile at that voice, thank it for its concern, reinstate your affirmation, and take another stride forward. Because remember—you're not failing, you're growing.

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