Tim Han Success Insider: Always prioritise those things which lead to your happiness 😀

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The secret to living out not just a good life but a great one, lies in a simple yet profound philosophy. It's about putting first what truly matters. The catalyst for long-lasting, deep-seated happiness is to make it a central point of our lives. Guiding our decisions, our actions, and our dreams. So, let me share with you why always prioritising those things which lead to your happiness is a pivotal waypoint on this journey of a thousand miles.

It reminds me of a piece of wisdom once whispered to me, years back when I was first building Success Insider from the ground up. An older mentor of mine, full of wisdom and age, said to me, “Tim, never forget. Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.” That wisdom has stayed with me. Every day, it breaks dawn with me, and every night, it settles down to slumber. It's the North Star of my journey, guiding me home to happiness.

There's a lovely phrase from the luminaries of personal growth teaching, routinely echoed within the hallowed halls of the LMA course. It is said that “The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go.” I took this to heart, and so far, it has never led me astray.

But why should we prioritise happiness? How does it serve us on our pathway to success? I believe the answer lies intertwined in the very fabric of our humanity. Those moments of bliss that seem to burst with light and warmth; those are the times when we're most alive. Happiness unearths our potential, our passion, our power. And when we place happiness on a pedestal, we're putting ourselves on a path where our dreams aren't just potential—they’re probable.

Let me tell you something about those at the peak of Mt. Success. They didn’t amble aimlessly to the summit. No, they were discerning climbers, choosing each step with care, consciously picking routes lined with joy and satisfaction. My advice to you, as an experienced guide on this journey, is to stride in their footsteps. Always align your actions with your joy.

Psychologists give it a fancy term. They call it ‘Self-concordant goals.' The idea that pursuing what genuinely makes us happy—our passions, our interests—drives us to accomplish so much more. And that's why our happiness must be the compass guiding our way.

So, ask yourself: “What principles give me joy? What pursuits light up my heart? What places, people, and paths lead me to laughter?”

When you have clarity on these, they become your compass points. Like signposts for your life, leading you towards greater achievement and deeper fulfilment.

But remember, prioritising your happiness doesn't mean turning a blind eye towards challenges. Rather, it's about embracing them, welcoming them as stepping stones on your journey. It forms an integral part of the nurturing of resilience, a concept imparted within the lessons of my LMA course. That happiness comes from the process, the journey–not just the destination. It's about finding joy in the climb—not just the view from the summit.

And how do you begin this process? Simple. Let your heart lead. Align your actions with what truly brings you joy. And when those actions meet resistance, lean into it, relish it. Because every step, every struggle, every leap you take on this path adds layers to your happiness, depth to your delight.

Friend, remember this: “Happiness is a direction, not a place.” So let's make the resolution now, let's ride out on this wave of promise. Because life becomes a whole lot more beautiful when we lead with lightness and laughter.

So here's my invitation to you: Prioritise your happiness. Make it your guiding light, your compass in the hours of confusion. Embrace the beauty of the journey, savour the sweetness of the struggle. Because in the end, my friend, our life's purpose isn't about the pursuit of happiness—it's about the happiness of pursuit.

Now turn that promise into practice. Start today. Start now. The path of happiness awaits your first step. Are you ready to embark on the journey?

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