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Tim Han Success Insider: You should never be too busy to reconnect with nature. In fact, it may be just the remedy you need. 🌳❤️

There I was, sitting on the 17th floor of a high-rise building in bustling city centre. The hum of computers, phones ringing, and the impersonal fluorescent lights created a stark contrast with the world outside. Amidst the mechanically controlled temperatures and polished glass walls, it felt as though I was looking at the world through a screen. The hypnotizing monotony of routine and the constant, almost unconscious, scrolling on screens, was eating away at not just my time, but my essence.

Suddenly, I remembered a quote that once resonated with me. It came from Louie Schwartzberg, a pioneer of high end time-lapse cinematography. He said, “Nature's beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude.”

It hit me – I was losing the connection with my primary source of life, nature. The ambient noise of wind in the trees, the free-flowing water in streams, the chirping of birds, the warmth of the sun piercing through the leaves. I had turned a blind eye to this intrinsic piece of our existence, and I wondered: had you too?

So, I made an intentional decision. Just as our diets need balance and nourishment, our souls need an abundance of nature's peace. I realized how necessary it is to take a break from the blinding speed of city life and retreat into the arms of Mother Nature.

Today, I want to do more than just share my epiphany. I challenge you to commit to reconnecting with nature, no matter how busy your schedule may be. Think of it as a personal investment – in you!

Science supports this. Research has indicated that even a brief interaction with nature can significantly decrease stress, increase happiness, and enhance focus. Some refer to this as ‘forest therapy,' a coin termed by the Japanese who believe in the healing power of nature.

Start simply. Begin your day by substitifying something as insignificant as your phone wallpaper with a picture of a serene landscape. Sit near windows where you can soak in natural light. Plant a small desk plant to purify your air and your mind or simply dedicate a tiny corner of your home to indoor plants, creating your personal indoor garden.

Then, venture out! Plan a weekend hike, have a beach day, volunteer for a community garden, or organize a cycling expedition with friends. Let your actions inspire your friends and family to join you on this journey back to our roots.

Remember that reconnecting with nature is about more than just stepping outside, it’s about truly absorbing your space and allowing it to replenish you. Notice the colours, the sounds, the smells…embrace the minute details. Apply the same principle in your daily events. Take the route lined with trees or choose the park bench over the coffee shop.

Walk barefoot on grass and sand, revealing in the earth that grounds us. As Winnie the Pooh said, “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” Indeed, these seemingly small decisions can make a big impact on our sense of well-being.

This is not a quick fad or diet, but a sustainable lifestyle choice that I, Tim Han, have seen work its magic, not just with me, but also with members of the Success Insider community. So, take a bold step towards embracing nature in your life and don't be surprised to see its profound impact. Reflect upon this: How can you change one thing in your environment today, no matter how small, to feel more connected to nature?

Remember, a life deeply connected to nature is not a wasted one. It differentiates a life of mere existence from a life vibrantly lived, adding depth to each breath.

And as we wind up this conversation, I leave you with this thought: opportunities to connect with nature are all around us, ready to renew our senses, our minds, and our spirits. No matter how busy life gets, nature's door is always open for us. All we must do is decide to step across the threshold. I see you on the other side.