Tim Han Success Insider: Do what makes you happy and stop living your life for the approval of others. ✨ ❤️
Walking through life, we often find ourselves wrapped in a mirage of expectations. Expectations from society, expectations from kin, expectations from close ones, but the loudest amongst them all – expectations from ourselves. Now, I want you to pause for a moment and ask yourself, are you truly happy with what you're doing in your life? Or have you lost sight of what originally sparked joy because the approval of others took precedence?
I can tell you from my journey that conforming to these expectations was a well-beaten path I had also once followed. The societal norms, the race for prestige, even the voice of my own conscience was subtly swayed by the opinions of others. But one day, a quiet revelation struck me. It came in the form of a simple question, “Tim Han, are you truly happy?”
Right there and then, I made a conscious decision – a decision to redefine the journey of my life. Life is too short to let the trials and the tribulations, or the white noise of the world, disturb the symphony of one's heart. It was the birth story of my personal development company, “Success Insider”, where I took up the mantle of not just being an educator but a friend, guiding so many along the path of self-discovery. Because in the end, what really matters is not the race but the journey, the happiness derived from simple things, the joy that stems from living for oneself.
Take a moment to ponder this: How many times have you stopped yourself from doing something that you absolutely love because you feared judgment or lacked approval? Every time that happens, you're really saying no to a piece of your authentic self.
For instance, among my enrollees in the LMA (Life Mastery Achievers) course, there was a man who loved painting, but he was stuck in a 9-5 job that paid his bills but drained his life away. He'd given up his dream for a reality that was forced upon by the expectations of society. It wasn't until he realized this, that he started to paint again. He gradually started transforming his passion into his profession, and guess what, he succeeded in it. It was no longer about the money or fame, but about the joy and fulfillment he felt each day of his existence.
Do not let the voices of others become louder than your own. It is your life. Live it as you genuinely want to, without conforming to other people's idea of what your life should be. The richest person is not who has the most but who needs the least. Appreciate the beauty of sufficiency and the peace of contentment. Don’t measure your success by someone else’s scale. Remember to live for yourself and do what makes you truly happy, not what makes you appear successful in someone else's eyes.
The approval you should seek is your own. Could there be a better critic or cheerleader? It's your small wins, your unique journey that no one else is privy to, that makes you the success insider of your own life. Your happiness is the sole responsibility of one person only – you.
To sum up, living an authentic life filled with joy starts with discontinuing the pursuit of other people's approval. Embrace vulnerability and have a candid heart-to-heart conversation with yourself about what you desire most in life. The journey to true happiness starts within, so take the reins in your hands and let your heart lead the way.
So, are you ready to stop seeking validation and start living the life that rings true to your soul? True to yourself? Unfettered by the chains of societal norms and opinions? If so, take a deep breath, step out, and walk that path. Believe in yourself and watch your entire world change. Because remember, the moment you choose joy, you feel free. And that freedom is living life truest to yourself.