Before I joined Tim's LMA course, I was stuck personally and professionally. I forgot how to set goals, set metrics and what I was working for. Joining LMA enabled me to get my mindset straight; To be ready and take action and know what to do in order for me to get back on track, which was my goal to begin with. And for allowing me to achieve that, I'm very grateful.

Prior to receiving help from Success Insider, I was struggling with limiting beliefs and mindset blocks which were preventing me from launching my own online business. After receiving this breakthrough mentorship is when everything changed, as Success Insider showed me the ways to master mindset and take control of my life. As a result, I'm now running my own online business and couldn't be anymore thankful!

Prior to joining Tim Han’s LMA program. I felt so out of alignment and trapped in my old beliefs and since up taking Tim's program I snapped my “elastic band” and I now feel free and am in touch with who I really am. It's the best feeling ever!

I joined Tim Han's LMA program because I was struggling with my business for 6 years and was lacking the passion to make it successful. Having now got through Tim Han's program, I feel like I've truly discovered who I really am and feel uplifted once again!

Joining Tim Han's LMA program has been one of the best decisions I've ever made, the amount of value and tools you get is literally priceless and has helped me tremendously in my life and business.

It's my 3rd time going through Tim Han's LMA program and this time it's helped me to foster the unstoppable mindset required to grow my coaching business even further. I couldn't recommend Tim's programs enough!

Prior to being mentored by Tim Han, I was struggling with self-doubt and self-esteem issues. But within the first few weeks of receiving mentoring on board Tim Han's LMA program, I began to notice big changes in my life. I now look at myself in the mirror and see a totally different person and can accept myself for who I really am!

Before joining Tim's program, I was struggling with speaking up for what I truly believed in and had so much fear when it came to speaking in front of people. But through Tim's non-stop support I've been able to get rid of my biggest blocks! This is one of the best courses out there!

I was always a shy guy and always struggled with putting myself out there. But after joining Tim's program, I'm now able to stand on stages with confidence and share what I truly want to share. This program is the real deal!

After receiving mentoring from Tim Han, I was able to dramatically improve my speaking skills and feel unstoppable every day. In turn this has allowed me to my business. This has been one of the biggest highlights of my life!