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Have you ever asked yourself something like, what have I done today?

Or daydreamed about something that you'd love to make a reality, but you never do?

If so, then this video is for you, and here's my 4-step system you'll learn from it:

  1. Why you should plan your tomorrow, today
  2. How to set yourself up to win
  3. Creating and sticking to, an energizing morning routine
  4. Reflecting on your day and making improvements

You'll learn why planning tomorrow, today is essential for being productive.

It can help you focus on what's important and is the first step in achieving your life goals.

I'll explain how to set yourself up to win, every day.

Also, how to create and stick to a motivating, energizing morning habit that will electrify your willpower and boast your productivity.

You'll finally learn how to properly reflect on your day.

Not only to look at what went wrong and what you could do better, but also how to take action and start making improvements.

And, if you feel like you've learned something valuable — be sure to spread the message.

Share the video with your family and friends, so that they too can learn how to improve their lives.

Do you ever find yourself feeling really stressed or overwhelmed from all the work that keeps on piling up?

The stress is getting to you, and some days you end up feeling really burnt out and unable to perform.

If this is something that resonates, I want you to realize you're not alone. As high achievers this is our kryptonite. We're able to accomplish things that most people can't, but sometimes we push too hard, and wake up the next day not feeling as sharp as usual.

Benjamin Franklin once said: “give me six hours to chop down the tree and I’ll spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Would you agree that sometimes, you forget to stop and sharpen your axe? And as a result it is getting blunt.

That's why today I’m going to share the mindset shifts that you must adopt, in order to approach your work and success like the world’s top 1%. Even though they are handling an extreme amount of pressure and workload, they're able to perform at a high level every single day.

It's all down to the way they're approaching their life, so be sure to pay close attention to what I’m sharing today.

When you learn the answers to these questions and more, you’ll realise what you need to do in order to stop being burnt out so often—if at all:

I hope you found today's video helpful. Here's a quick bonus tip: plan tomorrow today! Make this a habit in your life, it will totally change the game for you. Do it every single evening, don’t just wake up and wonder what you’re meant to do today. That means you're just reacting and if you're reacting, you're going to burn out because you're not focusing on what matters to you.

Make these actions a habit, and let me know in the comments box below which point resonated with you the most.

Please like this video if you do, and tell me which topics you'd like to see from me. Because I may feature your question on our channel and upcoming videos.

I just want to say thank you so much for checking out today's video. As always follow your heart, my friend, take action and go live the life you were truly born to live.

Hey Insider! Let me ask you this deep question: “when all is said and done, would you have said more than you've actually done?”


For the vast majority of people the answer is ‘yes’. Because we live in a crazy distracted society today, where people think it’s okay to go back on their commitments and the promises that they're making to other people, and themselves.


They're literally scamming themselves out of their own potential! Don't be one of those people.


Today I’m going to share with you: what does it really take for you to finish strong? 


How do you start like the world-class achiever that you are? How do you stay committed to your promises? How do you stop scamming yourself of your own potential?


It comes down to these 3 tips in today’s video. Make sure to act on them step by step. Are you ready?


If you study this information and internalise it, you will stand out from the crowd these days, because most people make empty promises and agreements they don’t mean to keep.


But of course don’t do this just for other people, do it for yourself to build your own self esteem and authenticity.


Watch today to learn:



I hope you enjoy this video, let me know which advice resonated with you the most and what you intend to take action on first!


Let's do this together, my friend. We're not here to just earn some money, pay some bills and die, we're here to change the world!


So just wake yourself up for a moment. If you fall off the track, it's fine—just pick yourself back up and continue along.


We're all here for you but we need you to stay committed, so if you're committed, comment right now in the comments box below.


Keep it up and keep doing what it takes! You're born to win so keep playing to win every single day.


As always follow your heart and take action!

Hey Insider! Carl Jung famously once said: “until you make your unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”


I can't tell you how true this has been in my life, as I’ve faced so many setbacks growing up.


I never knew that you can take control of your life, until I came across these three fundamental mindset shifts I'm sharing with you today.


When you take this on board it will totally change the game for you, so be sure to pay close attention.


We all want to take control of our lives, don’t we, Insider? As you know, I’m always looking for ideas to help you grow, and move towards the life you want.


So today I’m sharing with you some mindset shifts which will help you do just that!


These shifts are simple and straightforward—you don’t have to pay anything or go anywhere and they take very little time to do. You can shift your mindset, anywhere, anytime for free!


Just watch my video today to learn:



I hope you enjoy the video, my friend and believe me, once you start making these mindset shifts, they will change your life forever, and you can really go for all the goals you want to achieve.


Let me know in the comments box which mindset shifts you commit to taking action on today. Like this video if you do.


It feels great to be back on YouTube, I’ve been quite busy serving my mentees on our online program called LMA, as well as preparing for an end-of-year retreat called World Class Achievers.


But now I can't wait to serve you the insights you need to know, so you can get your life and business to that next level.


If you’d like to check out more of my videos, be sure to click them when they show up at the end of this one.


Have a great rest of the day, and as always follow your heart and take action.

There’s no denying that successful people think and act differently from the masses.

And when it comes to weekends, they behave differently too! They implement these three habits that allow them to get the edge over everybody else.

We all want to be successful of course, and we think of it as working hard during the week, but let me tell you, the weekends are important too.

I learned these tips from the very successful people I was lucky enough to hang out with in the past and still today.

So I am going to share them with you today, Insider, in the hope that you can use them to improve your life and move forward.

The moment you start making these three habits regular, you’ll notice not only do you begin to feel less burnt out or less stressed, but you grow personally as well as financially.

So be sure to pay close attention and most importantly take action on these tips I’m sharing.

In today’s video, you will learn:

Prioritising is really the key to being successful—the tips shared today will help you know exactly how to do this and what to prioritise.

When you know this information, you will be on the way to being more and more successful in your life.

I hope you find this video helpful, Insider—be sure to let me know in the comments box below what you thought.

Which habit do you like best? And which one can you implement the most?

If you like this video, please share it with a high achiever. Somebody who's really got to hear this message, and hopefully it’ll help them as well.

Life is about paying it forward and as always, follow your heart, my friend and take action.

I hope you have a great rest of the day!


Be honest, Insider, how many times in your life have you said yes to someone when you actually want to say no? You don’t want to hurt or annoy them so you say yes but you mean the opposite.


Well, let me admit…for me it is too many times. People pleasing can cost us a fortune—you don't need me to tell you that because you already know it. And yet we continue to do it!


It’s understandable that you want to please people, that is only natural, but there comes a point when it is harming your life and income and can even harm the people you are trying to please. In fact it often harms them, which is the last thing we want.


Do you feel like me as regards people pleasing? We want to help people and not upset them, so we say yes when we mean no, and it costs them as well as us because we end up letting them down.


There are so many people with this same problem, but don’t worry, what I’m going to share with you today will help you cut down and finally stop doing this over and over again.


In the video, I’m going to show you the three steps that I followed to finally get rid of this sabotaging behavioural pattern. because it cost me so much in my life that I knew I had to do something about it.


My wish is firstly that you pay close attention, but most importantly also take action on this: because your future self will thank you for it.


In the video today you will learn how important it is to:


I hope you find today's video helpful, Insider. If you do, be sure to click the like button and comment below. Let's commit to this and affirm it into our subconscious mind.

And as always, follow your heart, my friend. Take action and go live the life you were born to live.


Today I'm going to give you some much needed tough love, and tough advice. Because I find so many people on this planet who have these big dreams and these big ambitions to make their biggest goals a reality—and yet they never make it happen.


The reason why you've failed in accomplishing your goals in the past—and why you may be struggling to get to that next level in your life—is all down to this one thing, which I'm about to share with you today.


When you adopt this advice completely, and begin to play full out in your life, you'll begin to notice that you finally start to make your biggest dreams into reality.


Have you ever had a dream, then decided it’s wrong and you should change it? Maybe you think it’s too hard, or even impossible so you give up on it. That’s so disappointing isn’t it?


What if I told you that you don’t need to do that—there is another way to follow your dream which doesn’t involve changing it. You can stick with your best dream—the one which makes you happy and excited, instead of letting it go.


You’ll be happy to learn that there is just one secret to doing this. If you decide to do this one thing, it will make a huge difference, and you will move forward into your dream life.


Watch my video today to learn:



I really appreciate every single one of you who watch this randomly scheduled livestream I did today.


Promise me one thing, Insider. Take the information I give you in the video today and use it. This will change your life.


Commit one hundred percent and stop lying to yourself, because you only have you to rely on in this world—if you can’t believe yourself, who are you going to believe?


As always, follow your heart, my friend, and take action. Go live the life you were truly born to live.

Hey Insider! I'm back again with another special interview with a fellow Success Insider Marisa Peer.

She is a best-selling author, motivational speaker, and a leading celebrity therapist. Over the past 30 years, Marisa has coached an extensive client list of rock stars, Hollywood celebrities, Olympic athletes and CEOs, to name a few.

During her interview today, she reveals some of the best strategies as regards unlocking your confidence, feeling whole with yourself and knowing that you are enough.

So to avoid missing out on the gems which are spread throughout this interview, be sure to go over to this URL to get instant access to a podcast version of today's interview.

I’ll also put a link for you in the comments box below, as well as in the description box for instant access.

While you are watching Marisa’s interview, think about these questions:


These are well known feelings for many people, but if you identify with any one or all of these emotions, you can overcome them and live a happier life with the right information and support. Listen closely to Marisa’s advice and take it to heart, as it will change your life.


So tune in to find out:



I hope you find the interview with the inspiring Marisa helpful!


If you do, be sure to click the like button and comment below in the chat box: what was the most helpful tip you heard today? And what are you going to take action on to reprogram your mind—and therefore your life?


As always follow your heart, my friend, and take action. Go live the life you truly want to live!

Do you ever wonder what your purpose here on Earth is? Are you sometimes—or often—not sure about the way you are living your life? And does it feel a bit out of balance or unclear?


The reason is because you’ve never sat down and thought about what your personal mission in life actually is.


Don’t worry, you aren’t on your own in that. Most people don’t think about their purpose in life, they just carry on doing the same things as they’ve always done, while wondering if there is more to life.


I believe it’s vital to think about what your purpose is though! So you can live your life with intention and meaning, while also helping others (that is important to my work and to the world!)


So today, Insiders, I want to help you craft a personal mission statement for your life.


I am going to show you a 5 step plan so you can work out what is the core and central message you want to send out to the world. How do you want to live your life so you feel your most fulfilled, effective and valuable?


Paying it forward is a major purpose in my life and I believe we can all improve the world if we try and help others.


So take a look at my video today, because it answers these questions:


  1.      What version of yourself should you be when you approach writing your mission statement?
  2.      How are you unique as a human being?
  3.      How can you use that uniqueness to help others?
  4.      Why is it important to your mission that you imagine the world is perfect?
  5.      How can you use your answers to make your personal mission statement unique to you?


If you haven’t finished writing your life’s mission statement after watching the video, take some time to really figure it out. It will be totally worth it.


It has to be something that really speaks to your heart and something you remember naturally instead of having to look it up all the time.


Let me know what your life mission statement is in the comments below the video—I read every one and look forward to reading yours, Insider!


If you know someone who would benefit from watching this video, share it with them.


And as always, my friend, follow your heart, take action and go live the life you truly want to live.

Every day, Insider, you are literally pouring your hard-earned cash into the ocean.

Unless you awaken to the fact that you are doing these three costly things, they are going to cost you.


So be sure to pay close attention to the advice I will give you in my video today, but most importantly, take action on removing these costly habits.


Just knowing about them won’t help—you need to actively work on removing them and going forward in your career.


I have three tips to help you cut out these costly habits from your life.


Firstly, how do you move through your life? Do you love to be busy and active, filling your day with tasks? Or do you prefer a more streamlined approach to your days?


The type of routine and habits you follow can have a great impact on your life, so tip number one will make this clearer for you.


And are you a starter or a finisher with your projects? Do you have a lot of projects going on, or do you focus on doing one at a time? My advice on this point will make a difference to your productivity.


Do you look forward to ‘one day’ when you will have achieved all you set out to do and because of this, you will be super happy and fulfilled? Pay attention to what I say about feelings because it is important to get into the right mindset.


Move forward strongly, Insider, and make sure you get rid of these three costly things you're doing way too much of.

I hope you found today's video helpful—if you have, be sure to click the like button and comment below.


What's the one thing, out of the three I talked about today, that you're going to ensure you removed this week?


Let me know and I’ll be sure to get back to you.


Share this video, Insider, with a friend or loved one, because I truly believe life's about paying it forwards.


I believe it's about contributing and giving and serving, and that's why I provide these videos to you.


So I’d really appreciate if you could share this video with a friend or loved one. Just one friend or loved one who could truly benefit from it.


Thank you, and as always follow your heart, my friend and take action and let's go transform people's lives together.