Life can be stressful, so its important that we properly learn how to deal with stress in order to make sure we are performing at our best.
Stress can negatively affect our body, thoughts and feelings, and our behavior.
And the longer and the more frequently we experience stress, the more likely we will start having more serious health problems.
In today's video I will be sharing with you the top 3 Stress Management Techniques which use can start using right away.
So, if you're ready to discover exactly How to Deal With Stress then be sure to watch the video above – and make sure you pay very close attention!
Your mentor and friend,
Tim Han
P.S. Do you ever find yourself falling back on your promises to stick to your habits? If so, Click Here to discover 5 proven steps to stick to your habits.
Do you ever find yourself falling back on your promises to stick to your habits?
Are you lacking the self-discipline to stay consistent with doing whatever it takes to win?
If so, I want you to pay close attention to today's lesson as I reveal the 5 proven steps to stick to your habits even if you're really lazy!
Before we look at ways to overcome laziness, first ask yourself this…
Why Don't I Stick to My Habits?
There are many reasons why people find it hard to stick to positive habits, but here are most common reasons:
For some people, even realizing what's holding them back doesn’t change a thing. They simply shrug their shoulders and don't do anything about it.
So, in today's video I will be sharing with you exactly what you need to do to overcome laziness and be super motivated!
As always, Insider, follow your heart and remember to take massive action!
Your friend and mentor,
P.S If you want to read more about what may be holding you back I highly recommend reading my article on #1 Enemy Holding YOU Back from Success
Here's what happened when I quit Youtube for 30 Days…
I started recording myself and making videos for YouTube back in 2015, and at first I found it very hard.
You see, I am an introvert and I really struggled with the thought of others seeing me and rejecting me.
All of this fear and these limiting beliefs stemmed from my childhood where I was bullied and seen as an outcast.
Which caused me anxiety around others later in life.
However, what made me really push myself to be on YouTube and be seen by millions, is one simple fact…
In order to accomplish my goals and dreams I had to become a leader and share my story with the world.
And I couldn't have done this if I hid behind the camera or just spoke with my voice alone.
I had to get outside of my comfort zone and really stretch myself!
Now when my videos started to take off and go viral, I kept at it;
Video after video, week after week – consistently creating content with the goal of inspiring more and more people.
But after a while, that pressure and constant focus took its toll.
I began to loose my focus and clarity, and admittedly, I felt very down.
And as my YouTube uploads became more and more random and inconsistent, I just knew I had to make a change.
So, I decided to quit YouTube for 30 days and see what happened.
And today, I'm going to share with you…
You can click here to Watch the video >
As always Insider,
Follow your heart and take action!
Check out my other article to discover what is the #1 Enemy Holding You Back
In the weeks shortly after WCA 2019, I managed to review and compile together some of the incredible and inspiring experiences my students had during the World Class Achievers Retreat program, which I am going to share with you today…
WCA 2019 has proven to be another successful year for my students, who travelled from all over the world to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Before joining, they had been battling with their own problems and struggles…
Some had really struggled with confidence, self-esteem, clarity and direction while others struggled with procrastination and stress.
But within their short time at the World Class Achievers Retreat they learned how to completely dissolve their toxic beliefs and engineer outstanding levels of joy and success.
As their mentor and coach, it has been an incredibly rewarding experience to see them undergo such rapid transformation and achieve the results they were after.
So, be sure to take a look at the video to get a glimpse of some of the amazing transformations and breakthroughs that took place during WCA 2019.
If you're interested to learn more about the World Class Achievers Retreat, check out the link below
Have an amazing day Insiders and remember to…
Follow your heart and take action!
You may also be interested in our LMA graduate review video – which you can watch here.
If you have been struggling in your life with taking action and making your biggest dreams a reality – then be sure to read through today's important article on the #1 Enemy that is holding YOU back from success.
I will be revealing to you the #1 enemy that is holding you back from success and stopping you from experiencing the things that you want to experience in life.
Watch the Video to learn exactly what the #1 thing holding you back is, and how you can overcome it.
As always Insider,
Follow your heart and take action!
Also, be sure to read my other article if you're interested to learn How You Can Stop Self Sabotaging Your Success.
So things didn't go as planned, and what do you do now?
Here's a What To Do guide, When Things Don't Go As Planned – be sure to keep reading to the end for the juiciest tips!
Plans are good, and plans are very essential but it can be very stressful and difficult when things don't go as planned.
It goes without saying that if one fails to plan, one plans to fail. Such words ring true to everybody who has ever had a chance to experience failure.
“Without goals and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.” — Fitzhugh Dodson
When we face disappointment, there is a temptation to believe that the world is against us.
It can seem like a big failure and it can be stressful accepting that some things are outside of our control.
But it is, in fact, just the way of life – as there will always be unexpected changes and turns to the road ahead.
As an old saying goes; the only certainty is uncertainty.
Even if you could invest all the time in the world to meticulously plan out every aspect of your life, something unexpected will eventually turn up that you will need to adapt to.
So, the issue is not with the planning itself – it is with how you adapt to changes in your life.
I will be covering exactly how you can best adapt and respond to changes & uncertainty in your life in today's video.
So be sure to watch this video to know What To Do When Things Don't Go As Planned.
And as always Insider, follow your heart and take action!
Your mentor and friend,
If you are hoping to make 2020 your best year yet, then be sure to read today's blog which reveals the 3 Things to Do Before 2020 to Make it Your Best Year Ever.
By the end of reading this, you'll feel more motivated and you'll be able to start putting your life in order for the new year and the new decade in no time.
No year is ever perfect, not in the least. But before we hit 2020, let’s try to leave behind the bad habits and unwanted negativity that is holding us back from accomplishing our goals.
It is true, that goals can be tricky things, and sticking to them even trickier.
So, in order to head into a whole new year, with new energy and passion and a crystal-clear vision for what you want to accomplish, we must first take some time to reflect on how far we’ve already come and understand the 3 Biggest Things to Do Before 2020 to Make it Your Best Year Ever.
Click here to watch the video.
As the new year can be a very stressful and financially tough time for many people, I've put together a blog about the 3 Biggest Money Beliefs That Hold You Back Financially, so be sure to check it out if you have the time.
Wishing you all a happy and fulfilling new year!
Your friend and mentor,
You probably have never realised the 3 Money Beliefs That Hold You Back Financially. These myths and misconception will hold you back from pushing yourself in the money-making process.
I had to learn the hard way, because it was only after I made a huge mistake in my life, that I began to discover the flaws in my beliefs about money.
12 years ago I found myself in a very weird situation. Can you relate to this?
I was launching my own business in the events sector, and at first it was going really well. I found myself earning more money, I was more confident about the future and I felt as if I could accomplish anything.
Then in one day, or rather in one night, I managed to spend all the money I had earned. All of the money I had saved up – gone, just like that.
And this didn't just happen once, it developed into a bad habit of going out and spending without limits, week after week – until I nearly went broke!
It was only after this that I began to learn how my money beliefs were holding me back financially.
Once I discovered these 3 flawed beliefs, it completely changed the way I saw and treated money, and ultimately – it turned my life around.
And this is what I want to share with you today, so that you don't make the same mistake I made.
As well as watching this video I highly recommend you check out my other article on 3 BAD Thinking Habits That Destroy Your Success
Speak soon,
Would you like to know what are the 3 life-changing habits you can implement right now that will bring you rapid success? If so, you're in luck .
Because after reading this article and watching the video you will be able to answer these questions…
Habits play an important role in our lives. In fact, habits are so important that they can actually impact our lives in life-changing ways.
This is why if you develop the wrong habits, failure is right around the corner. On the other hand, the right habits will bring you more success in life than you ever expected.
It has been proven that good habits can make significant improvements in your life.
Yet, so many people today really struggle to embrace change and overcome the fear of failure which is why most of them go their whole lives not achieving success.
But let me tell you this – anyone can achieve success, it's just a question of finding out what those particular good habits are and incorporating them into your daily routine. So, if you’re looking to make positive changes in your life, just follow these 3 easy steps to develop life-changing habits.
Click here to watch the video and discover the 3 daily habits now.
Your friend & mentor,
Here's a quick question for you: Have you ever made a bad decision in your life, something that you later regretted down the line and thought to yourself, why did I even think of doing that?
If so, then today's important topic covering the 3 bad thinking habits that destroy your success – is for you.
Regardless of whether it involves adopting the good ones, or kicking the bad ones. Success will revolve around your habits, so thinking carefully before adopting any new ones that may cause issues when trying to pursue you dreams and desires…
Bad habits can easily kill people’s dreams and desires, because their destructive and not constructive traits. And making destructive traits a habit won’t get you off the ground, they’ll make sure you stay firmly on it.
So if you're ready to discover these 3 bad thinking habits that destroy your success – click here to watch the video, and be sure to take note of the third and most important bad thinking habit.
You can read more about self-sabotaging habits here.
As always Insider, follow your heart and take action!
Your friend and mentor,
Tim Han