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Have you ever wanted to become a millionaire Insider?
If you have, then be sure to watch the entire video that I have for you today, which is all about A Million-Dollar Secret Every Entrepreneur Should Know.
To give you a headstart, think about the last purchase you bought– why did you buy it? Something that all marketers have mastered, is understanding the buying behaviours of a consumer. And believe it or not, it's less about the logical reasons and the features – it's the emotionally compelling reason underneath it that matters.  
So after you watch this video, let us know what your biggest takeaway is in the comments below! 
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
If this is something you're struggling to upkeep on a daily basis, chances are because you haven't created the habits for them yet.
That’s why in today’s video, I’m sharing with you the 3 Daily Habits of Highly Motivated People! As I filmed this video, I was on a family holiday in Japan– and even then I was continually motivated to follow through with this 100 video upload challenge. And it's all because I've created these habits for myself.
Now it's your turn Insider!
So once you’ve watched the video, let me know in the comments below what you’ve taken away after you’ve watched this! And if you have any personal habits you perform on a daily basis to help you with your motivation – let us know below!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
If traveling around the world has been on your bucket list for some time– this video is going to shed some light as to why travelling will help you to become more successful.
I've broken it down to 3 simple reasons why travelling will make you more successful. And to top it all off, I've lived and breathed these reasons as I filmed this video whilst I was out in Japan for a family vacation!
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below what your biggest takeaway was about traveling. And for fun, let us know where you're jetting off to next! 
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han

Caleb Maddix – a true pioneer for success for our youth of today.

Last year we had him on the Success Insider show when he was just 14 years old. And a year later, we're following up with him on his goal that he shared about becoming a MILLIONAIRE!

He is the author of “Keys to Success for Kids” and the CEO of a 7 figure a year company called Kids 4 Success. To date, he's shared stages with influencers such as Gary Vaynerchuk, Grant Cardone, John Lee Dumas, and many more!

And so in today's video, we're digging deep into how he's managed to successfully become a millionaire at the young at of 15.

After watching, let us know in the comments below your biggest takeaway from Caleb!


Your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

When I look back, there are so many life lessons that I wish I knew when I was younger.

So today's video is going to be slightly different than normal as I take a trip down memory lane to my younger self. I'm sharing with you the 3 Things I Wish I Could Say To My Younger Self. And who knows, by the end of the video maybe you'll come up with your own list of things to share in your own video too.
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below your biggest takeaway from the lessons I wish I could share with my younger self. If you're feeling brave, share in the comments below your own advice to your younger self too 🙂
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
If you were honest with yourself, how does that word really make you feel? Is it positive, negative or somewhere in the middle?
Insider, if you want to become rich in your life, you must first learn how to think rich by building a positive mindset around money. 
And that’s exactly what I'm going to be sharing in today’s video; the 5 Steps to Build a Positive Money Mindset. After speaking to and hanging around many millionaires and billionaires, I’ve boiled their millionaire mindset down to these 5 things.  So after you watch this video, be sure that you follow these steps to set yourself up for success with money too!
Got a takeaway you would like to share? Comment below and let us know!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han


This is the only thing between where you're at now, and where you'd like to be.

If you know my story, 10 years ago I was addicted to drugs amongst many other things– and I was getting nowhere in my life. Why? Because I lacked self-discipline – the ability to take control of the driver's seat in my life.

Now that's completely changed. That's why in today’s video, I’m sharing with you the 5 Proven Methods For Gaining Self Discipline.

After all, your level of self-discipline is going to be what makes or breaks your success my friend.

So once you’ve watched the video, comment below which method you’re going to take action on to develop your self-discipline!

As always, follow your heart & take massive action! Go live the life you were born to live.

From your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

I taught myself to procrastinate.
Okay– hear me out on this one Insider!
I have to admit, this video isn't going to be for everyone out there who watches this. But I wanted to share a unique angle of the plus sides that actually comes with procrastination itself.
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below what your biggest takeaway was about procrastination in this new light!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
Hey Insider!
In today’s video, we’re exploring the 5 BAD Habits That Keep People from Getting Rich!
We all have the same 24 hours in a day, right? If that's the case, then why are people on either end of the wealth spectrum? Where one side there are people who are able to achieve incredible levels of wealth, while others are scrambling from paycheck to paycheck?
It’s all down to habits and your mindset. That’s why this animation is going to allow you to explore which are the best for YOU. And of course, to help you start implementing to set yourself up to WIN.
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below which habits you’re looking to eliminate from your life to increase your chances of becoming rich!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han

There's just a small handful of things that I think about on a daily basis… and today? I wanted to let you in on one of them– which is all about the brutal truth about life that no one wants to hear.

But hey, I'm not here to cushion you on your journey Insider– and that's because I truly care about you achieving the results you've always been able to get. And sometimes, that's going to happen by hearing a couple of brutal truths along the way.

When I truly step into this state, it really allows me to treasure life on a completely new level. And that's something that I want for you too.

So once you’ve watched the video, comment below your biggest takeaways from this brutal truth video! 
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han