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Have you ever truly questioned what it is that you want to do with your life?
Does fear ever have you in a death grip when you’re trying to live out your dream? Or is it the lack of clarity for which way you need to go? Either way, I’ve got you covered Insider.
Because in today’s video, I’m sharing 5 things you need to consider to figure out what you really want in life. So if you ever find yourself losing your way, you have these 5 things to fall back on to help you get on track again.
Once you’ve watched this video, comment below your next action steps that you’re going to take from today to figure out your life's purpose!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han

Hey Insider,

Today's video is all about money.

For many, money can be an uncomfortable topic – but that's precisely the reason why I've decided to share this video with you. It's the 5 Money Advice I Wish I Knew In My Early 20's – all from personal experience so that you don't have to make the same mistakes.

So whether you're in your early 20's or in your late 60's watching this – it's NEVER too late to learn how to make money work for you, as opposed to you working for it.

After you’ve watched this, please comment below your biggest takeaway about money advice! Or better yet, if you have any advice about money of your own, share it in the comments below!

From Your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

hey Insider!

Have you ever wondered if you could actually reprogram your mind for success?

As the great Jim Rohn once said; “Success is something you attract by the person you become.” 

In other words, yes you can reprogram your own mind so that you attract more success into your life. That's why in today's video, I'm showing you exactly that.

Why? Because I want you to realise that you have just as much a chance as anyone else out there to be successful. And while your resources (or lack thereof) may give you an advantage, ultimately it’s your mindset that’s going to make or break your success.

So once you’ve watched the video, comment below how you're going to reprogram your mind for success moving forwards!

As always, follow your heart & take massive action! Go live the life you were born to live.

From your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

If you really think about it, your entire life is a reflection of all the decisions you've made up until this point.

And so, if you want to steer your life in the direction you want it to go Insider – you need to learn how to make decisions with unquestionable confidence.
That's exactly what I have for you in today’s video: the 3 Powerful Ways to Make Decisions With Confidence.
So once you’ve watched the video, please comment below your biggest takeaway! And if you're feeling brave, let us know which decision you have made as a result of knowing how to make them with confidence. 
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han

Hey Insider!

Today I'm doing something a little different, and that's taking you on the journey with me and my family as we explored Japan this month!

It's moments like this when I know that I'm living the life I was born to – because now I have the abundance to share these special moments with my family.

How about you? If you had the opportunity to take your family somewhere in the world– where would it be? Let us know in the comments below!


As always Insider, follow your heart and take MASSIVE action – and go live the life you were born to live.

Your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

If you're simply waiting for life to happen–stop. Because now is the time to live your life!
In this short video, I wanted to check in with you on something that I've come to realise after coming to the end of my holiday in Japan with my family. And it all has to do with work-life integration – not work-life balance as we commonly know it.
So have a listen and check in to how you're managing your life right now. And comment below your next action steps that you’re going to take in order to start living your life now! 
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
Does being smart always lead to being rich?
On the contrary, it might be the other way around– and in this video, I'll explain why. I’ll be sharing some personal experiences that I've gotten over the years when I've surrounded myself with “smart” people. And the more interesting part of those experiences was how I found that being smart didn't always correlate with being rich.
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below your take in this debate. Does being smart always make you rich?
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
Do you ever have trouble handling stress?
Contrary to popular belief– successful people aren't any less prone to stress than you and I. The only difference is their ability to handle stress more effectively.
That’s why in today’s video I’m breaking down How Successful People Handle Stress. That way, the next time you find yourself feeling stressed, you’ll know what to do.
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below your biggest takeaway! Also, do you have any suggestions that you have used before to help alleviate you from stress and anxiety? If so, please share them in the comments below as well! 
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han

Does being rich actually make you happy?

It's a debatable topic without a doubt. And for that reason, I'm shedding some light on why some people are happy when they're rich, and why some aren't.

That's why in this video, I’m going to be sharing with you the real reasons Why Rich People Aren't as Happy as They Could Be. This way, you'll be equipped with knowing how to avoid this mistake on your way to becoming rich in your life.

Once you’ve watched this video, share in the comments below what resonated with you the most and why 🙂

As always, follow your heart & take massive action! Go live the life you were born to live.

From your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

Question– do you ever find yourself just drifting by in life instead of living your dream?
Does fear ever have you in a death grip when you’re trying to live out your dream? Or is it the lack of clarity for which way you need to go? Either way, I've got you covered Insider.
Because in today’s video, I’m sharing How to Stop Drifting Through Life and Live Your Dream. So if you ever find the little voice in your head stops you from taking action, or you feel your dreams are unattainable? Be sure to pay close attention to this video!
Once you’ve watched it, comment below your next action steps that you’re going to take from today to truly live your dream.
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han