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Ah university– is it really necessary in order for you to succeed in life?
In today’s vlog I’m taking you behind the scenes of my most recent talk at a prestigious university in London. This is a place that – back in the day – I could only ever dream of applying to. Because when I was young, my teachers truly believed that I wouldn't amount to much.
So in today’s vlog, I wanted to share with you some snippets of what I shared with the students that day.
And *SPOILER ALERT*, I didn't spare them of the brutal truths.
Have you been to university or is it something you're thinking about? Let us know in the comments below your thoughts on this topic!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han


This is the only thing between where you're at now, and where you'd like to be.

If you know my story, 10 years ago I was addicted to drugs amongst many other things– and I was getting nowhere in my life. Why? Because I lacked self-discipline – the ability to take control of the driver's seat in my life.

Now that's completely changed. That's why in today’s video, I’m sharing with you the 5 Proven Methods For Gaining Self Discipline.

After all, your level of self-discipline is going to be what makes or breaks your success my friend.

So once you’ve watched the video, comment below which method you’re going to take action on to develop your self-discipline!

As always, follow your heart & take massive action! Go live the life you were born to live.

From your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

“It's something you're either born with or without.” – that is a myth.
How do I know? Because this was something that was abundantly missing from my life since I was a child. And yet, today I can jump on stage and speak in front of hundreds to thousands of people at a time.
So in other words, it's something that can be learned.
That's why in today's video, I'm jumping in with Part 2 of “3 Daily Habits of Confident People”!
So once you’ve watched the video, let me know in the comments below what you’ve taken away after you’ve watched this! And if you have any personal habits you perform on a daily basis to help you with your confidence – let us know below!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han

So– I wound up spending $100 on a pot of face cream today.

I wasn't exactly looking for it, but what intrigued me was how the salesperson managed to effortlessly persuade me to buy it. When I really thought about it, she followed 5 simple steps to get to the end result– the sale.

And I want to share with you today exactly what those steps are.

This is what I like to call the 5 Secret Ways to Persuade and Influence People!
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below what your favourite secret was and why! And better yet, if you have any persuasion secrets you swear by – feel free to share in the comments below with the rest of the insiders! 🙂
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
I taught myself to procrastinate.
Okay– hear me out on this one Insider!
I have to admit, this video isn't going to be for everyone out there who watches this. But I wanted to share a unique angle of the plus sides that actually comes with procrastination itself.
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below what your biggest takeaway was about procrastination in this new light!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
Insider, there will come a time where your “little voice” of negativity will be much louder than your heart. 
For some, they allow their negative little voice to get the better of them. But today, I'm going to show you how to overcome it.
So in today's video I’ll be sharing “How to Stop Negative Thoughts in Your Head From Ruling Your Life.”
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below what was your biggest takeaway about how to overcome these negative thoughts on a daily basis! And if you have any tips of your own, be sure to share them in the comments below! 
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
Hey Insider!
Today I’m super excited to bring you Part 5 of my “3 Signs You Will Be Rich Some Day” series!
This is our signature series that has impacted nearly 10 million insiders across the world, as they’re actionable signs that you can begin implementing in your life, now.
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below how many of the signs are already present in your life!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han


Hey Insider!
In today’s video, we’re exploring the 5 BAD Habits That Keep People from Getting Rich!
We all have the same 24 hours in a day, right? If that's the case, then why are people on either end of the wealth spectrum? Where one side there are people who are able to achieve incredible levels of wealth, while others are scrambling from paycheck to paycheck?
It’s all down to habits and your mindset. That’s why this animation is going to allow you to explore which are the best for YOU. And of course, to help you start implementing to set yourself up to WIN.
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below which habits you’re looking to eliminate from your life to increase your chances of becoming rich!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han

There's just a small handful of things that I think about on a daily basis… and today? I wanted to let you in on one of them– which is all about the brutal truth about life that no one wants to hear.

But hey, I'm not here to cushion you on your journey Insider– and that's because I truly care about you achieving the results you've always been able to get. And sometimes, that's going to happen by hearing a couple of brutal truths along the way.

When I truly step into this state, it really allows me to treasure life on a completely new level. And that's something that I want for you too.

So once you’ve watched the video, comment below your biggest takeaways from this brutal truth video! 
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
These are 3 types of people you should never share your goals with if you want to be successful. I will, however, tell you what you should share with these types of people towards the end of the video.
Until then, it's super important for you to be able to spot these people early. Because as the great saying goes; “You become the average of the 5 people you hang around with.”
Which means that your level of success is heavily impacted by the people you choose to surround yourself by.
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below your biggest takeaway from this video! Are there anymore types of people I've missed from this list? Let me know below! 🙂
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han