Fear of failure is a common issue that a great deal of people struggle with, regardless of their age.
But, just answer this – Are you happy with where you are now? If the answer is no, then why do the same safe and tested things that you’ve already been doing?
When you live your life contemplating, speculating, and working diligently to avoid pain and failure, you rob yourself of the chance to grow.
Because, failure is not only inevitable, but also a crucial component to reaching your fullest potential.
If you're ready to learn exactly how to deal with failure and your fear of it watch today's video above and be sure to start taking action today.
And always remember this…
True failure only occurs when you decide to stop trying. Every other form of adversity is simply a lesson to be learned, and an opportunity to try a new method.
Now go out there, follow your heart and take action!
Your mentor and friend,
Do you Feel as if You're SABOTAGING Your Own Success? If so – Read here & Learn How to Stop.
Coping with negative emotions and stress is a common problem for many people, and most people go through their whole lives without fully knowing how to deal with negative emotions and stress that keep coming up when their under pressure or hurt.
Luckily, there's several proven ways to deal with negative emotions and stress, that doesn't involve practising yoga, meditation, or reading numerous audiobooks.
And these proven methods to overcoming negative emotions and stress are exactly what I'm about to reveal in today's video. So be sure to watch the video above after reading this article to discover the secrets.
Now, you may also want to practice my personal morning routine for ongoing stress reduction, extreme focus and discipline. Read about my Morning Routine here, and be sure to give a try!
Take care.
Your mentor & friend,
Did you ever hear someone talking about self-sabotaging? Maybe you’re wondering what that actually means. After all, you’d never sabotage your own success, right?
When it comes to making progress, we are often our own worst enemies. Maybe you feel frustrated or defeated that you’ve worked so hard but things are still the same, and it’s easy to blame outside circumstances for keeping you stuck.
Perhaps you have a critical inner voice telling you that you’re not good enough, or, maybe that it isn’t safe to try new things.
Worse still, we can self-sabotage even when we're not aware that we’re doing so. So, if you want to discover how to stop self-sabotaging today, be sure to keep reading.
So, now that you better understand the roots of self-sabotaging behavior, how can you identify self-destructive behavior signs?
In today's video I will go over the most common signs of self-sabotage, including signs of sabotaging relationships or other important life opportunities and How to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Success without hypnosis, subliminal messages, and by binge watching endless amount of ted talk videos, so be sure to pay close attention to all of the steps listed throughout the video!
As always, follow your heart and take action!
Your mentor & friend,
P.S Are you finding it hard to get Motivated? It's something that many of us struggle with on a daily basis, so be sure to read my article to learn the 5 Habits That Are Destroying Your Motivation.
Have you every wondered why on some days you're so full of energy, getting so much done, while on other days you're completely lacking that energy and motivation, struggling to accomplish anything?
This lack of motivation that can be due to many factors, in some cases, even depression. Yikes!
If you can relate to this – don't panic, in today's video I'm going to walk you through the 5 most likely habits that are destroying your motivation.
But, before you watch the video – Remember…
It's only natural for you to be less motivated some days than others. In many cases, downswings in mood that hurt your motivation can be improved with a short nap and relaxation. One way that I boast my energy and motivation for the day is with my morning meditation routine.
Now, some of these habits I discuss in the video may not sound that bad or too serious at all, yet if you continue to ignore them you will continue to get the same results.
So, don't wait any longer and click on the video above to learn exactly what these 5 habits are, that destroy your motivation.
Your mentor and friend,
P.S – If you want to live a fulfilling, motivating and inspiring life, don’t allow yourself to be controlled by any of these 3 things… [Click Here to Read More]
What ever you do, don't allow your life to be controlled by these 3 things I am about to share with you in today's very important and inspiring lesson.
Many people spend their entire life at the mercy of circumstances and other people, and NOT living in the present, because they are stuck in the prison of their past.
If you want to live a fulfilling, motivating and inspiring life, don’t allow yourself to be controlled by any of these 3 things that I'm going to reveal with you in today's video.
These 3 things can limit your ability to succeed and stop you from having the life you have always dreamed of living. So do not allow your life to be controlled by these obstacles that can create limiting and negative beliefs.
And just imagine what you could achieve if you lived your life as though anything and everything is possible, as though miracles are a standard occurrence of every day.
Because, when you have nothing inside holding you back, there is nothing outside that can hold you back either, i.e – if you believe anything is possible, then anything is possible!
So, challenge yourself today, to live the life you want to live, free from being controlled by anything.
Make sure you watch the video above (paying really close attention to last point) to learn how to stop these 3 things from controlling your life.
As always, follow your heart and take action!
Tim Han
P.S If you found this article helpful, check out my other article on 5 Common Habits That Make People Instantly Dislike You
What's the big thing that all successful people have in common? Intelligence? No. Personality? Nope. Patience? Definitely not. The real answer is relationships.
I remember when I was younger I read a quote from Warren Buffett, and he said how ‘success is all about relationships'.
Now looking back…
I really wish I paid more attention to this quote in my life, because it was only later on when I was growing up that I realised, how much of our success is determined by who we know.
But just think about it…
Would you do business with someone you really disliked? It's unlikely.
And would others avoid doing business with you, if they instantly disliked you? Probably.
Success depends on the first impressions you make on others, which is why it's so important you understand the 5 Common Habits That Make People Instantly Dislike You.
So be sure to watch today's video (5 Common Habits That Make People Instantly Dislike You) above and pay close attention to each one of these negative habits and understand exactly how to let them go.
As always, follow your heart and take action!
Tim Han
(P.S Be sure to check out this important article on 3 things that control your life)
Do you ever find yourself overthinking about pretty much everything?
Do you also find that you often avoid loud environments and prefer to be alone?
If so, then you may be a highly sensitive person, or HSP, but read on to discover the 7 signs of a highly sensitive person to know for sure if you're one of them!
A highly sensitive person (HSP) experiences the world differently than others. They're more aware of subtleties and process information deeply.
This means that highly sensitive people tend to be creative, insightful, and empathetic, but it also means they’re more prone than others to stress and overwhelm.
Often people with HSP don't understand that this trait is genetic.
And because high sensitivity isn’t very common, many HSPs feel alone and misunderstood. High sensitivity is often mislabeled as shyness, anxiety, or introversion (even though both introverts and extroverts can be HSPs).
So, if you're ready to find out if you're a HSP, and discover the 7 signs that show if you’re a highly sensitive person, then check out today's video – where you'll discover the personality traits and the symptoms which will help you to detect if you're hypersensitive or an empath.
Do you feel like these limiting beliefs you're holding onto right now are definitely not benefiting you?
And do you feel as if they're weighing you down, and preventing you from truly flying and reaching your ultimate dream destination?
If so, then this today's video is for you.
By watching it, you'll discover the secrets to eliminate, remove & change those limiting beliefs that you have about your yourself without hypnosis, affirmations or meditation.
So, if you're finally ready to let go of these limiting beliefs, be sure to watch the video above, right to the end.
Did you know, Warren Buffett is the third richest man in the world?
People often ask “How much is Warren Buffett worth?” and believe it or not…
His estimated net worth is over $82 Billion, as of this moment.
But, have you ever wondered how billionaires like Warren Buffett create this enormous wealth?
And have you ever wondered how they think and act?
The secret is, that successful people, like Warren Buffett, have unique success habits that allow them to become rich.
By watching today's video you're going to discover what exactly these millionaire & billionaire mindset habits are, (that the 1% do every single day) which are easy and quick to adopt.
So be sure to click on the video above and watch it 'till the end!