Hey Insider!
Today I've got a special treat for you with one of the Founding Fathers of Personal Development and Bestselling Author of “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” – T Harv Eker!
In today's interview video, I've picked T Harv's brain on the 7 Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (fitting, right?) So be sure to get your note pad out for as he shares a goldmine of golden nuggets in this interview!
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below which of the 7 secrets resonates the most with you and that you're going to implement in your life to set yourself up to win!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
Hey Insider!
Have you ever wondered how people successfully manage to sell products or services – leading to huge spikes in revenue for their businesses?
Well, in today's video, I'm sharing with you the 3 Tips that will help you to sell anything to anyone!
This video will help if you're just starting out – especially if you have blocks around money. Not a newbie? Well, this video will also help you if you're already in an expert and you want to take your sales & revenue to the next level!
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below which tip you're going to implement in your business (or wherever you work!)
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han


Hey Insider!
Okay, so today I'm going to drop some truth bombs in regards to helping you identify whether your work place is toxic right now. Why is this important? Because the truth is – you're going to spend the majority of your life working – so you might as well works towards something that's going to bring you meaning and fulfilment, right?
That's why in today’s video, we’re exploring the 5 Signs that Your Work Place is Toxic right now – because you're life isn't meant to be spent in misery.
These 5 Signs will gear you up with the much needed knowledge you need in order to eventually make the informed decision to follow your heart and create the lifestyle you've always wanted.
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below your biggest takeaways once you've compared these signs to your current workplace!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
Hey Insider!
Today I was with the POLICE!
But, not for the same reasons why I was 10 years ago 😉
Today I'm taking you behind the scenes with me as I travelled to speak to a room full of Police Officers who wanted to learn how to create a life of freedom through starting an online business.
If you know anything about my story is that… 10 years ago? I was on the other side of the law literally running away from the police! So it's so ironic that this day came where I would be able to speak in front the Police as a transformed man – dedicated to helping others to achieve their dreams.
As the great saying goes; “Never let your past define your future.”
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
Hey Insider!
If you're currently in business or about to take the leap, you'll know that your customers are the lifeline of your business – period.
In today’s video, I'm sharing why the trust between your company and your customer is SO important – and how to avoid the biggest mistake that many business owners make as their company scales.
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below what was your biggest takeaway and how you're going to create a stronger relationship of trust with your customers.
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han

Hey Insider!

On your journey towards success, whilst considering all the things you should do – have you ever given a second thought to the things you shouldn't?

Last week I was a guest lecturer to hundreds of Masters and PHD students studying entrepreneurship, at one of the most prestigious universities in the UK – University College of London (UCL).

I wasn't sharing more strategies with them per say, but honing in on the key lessons I've learned after interviewing some of the greatest leaders and most successful people in the world. That's why in this video, I'm sharing the 3 Things Successful People Will NEVER Do Again – so that you can avoid making the same costly mistakes.

As the great Chinese proverb says;

“To know the road ahead, ask those who are coming back.”

So once you’ve watched the video, share in the comments below your biggest takeaway!

As always, follow your heart & take massive action! Go live the life you were born to live.

From your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han


Hey Insider!

Have you ever wondered which habits you need to master in order to appear confident whilst public speaking?

Well, in today's video I've got something very special for you. I'm sharing the 3 Secrets to Looking Confident Whilst Public Speaking – whilst doing public speaking! This was at a private Inner Circle Event I was running earlier this week to my top end mentees who have each invested $14,000 to be here – so this is something different to throw in the mix for sure!

So once you’ve watched the video, share in the comments below which strategy resonated the most with you and why – and that you're going to implement moving forwards for your public speeches!

As always, follow your heart & take massive action! Go live the life you were born to live.

From your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han


Hey Insider!

In case you haven't guessed from the title, today's video is a HUGE announcement that I'm sharing with you regarding the future of the Success Insider Youtube Channel!

Be sure to tune in and drop any questions you have in the comments below!

As always my friend, Follow Your Heart & Take MASSIVE Action – and Go Live the Life You Were Born to Live.

Your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

Hey Insider!

In this week’s episode of Success Insider TV, we’ve got a really special guest speaker who came to my flagship LIVE event; Online Marketing Intensive – Julias Dein!

Julius Dein, a 22-year-old MEGA influencer with a following of 13.7M+ across Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat. You wouldn’t believe Dein started out with zero followers just a year and a half ago.

Today? Dein is a sought-after content creator whose viral videos have amassed 1B+ views. He’s collaborated with leading brands like Doritos and Ubisoft, feature films Now You See Me 2 and Watch Dogs 2, and a handful of celebrities.

During this interview I'm diving deep into what it really takes to go VIRAL! Listen closely as this is jam packed with actionable golden nuggets to accelerate your results to getting views and engagement on your online content!

The reason why I’m always looking to bring on A-Player guests onto the Success Insider show, is because I know that they will be able to help you to avoid the mistakes that they made when they first started, and how to know when you grab an opportunity that’s in front of you.

Once you’ve watched this video, share in the comments below what YOUR biggest takeaway was from this interview!

As always, follow your heart & take massive action! Go live the life you were born to live.

From Your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

Hey Insider!

In this week's episode of Success Insider TV, we’re diving deep into what it really takes to become a millionaire by age 30 with Patrick Bet-David – a successful startup entrepreneur, CEO of PHP Agency, Inc., emerging author and Creator of Valuetainment on Youtube!

This interview is packed with golden nuggets and gems of wisdom so I’m super excited to share this interview with you – especially if you're looking to get into business or want to take your current business to the next level.

The reason why I’m always looking to bring on A-Player guests onto the Success Insider show, is because I know that they will be able to help you to avoid the mistakes that they made when they first started, and how to know when you grab an opportunity that’s in front of you.

Be sure to stick to the very end as each strategy we build upon in this interview get's more and more powerful as we go.

Once you’ve watched this video, share in the comments below what YOUR biggest takeaway was from this interview!

As always, follow your heart & take massive action! Go live the life you were born to live.

From your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han