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If you're looking to build an online business while still working a full-time job, this video is for you.


Are you stuck in a full-time job you hate, and you want to get out? So many people are in the same situation as you, my friend.


It seems impossible to leave your job and start a business, but there are tips and tools you can use to make it easier to reach your goals.


There are four steps which have made the greatest difference to my life, as well as my mentees’ lives, allowing them to do what they truly love for a living.


So be sure to pay close attention if you want to get to that next level, to improve your business and your life much, much faster.


Watch today to learn:



I hope you find today's video helpful, Insider. If you want to learn more about marketing and selling, I suggest you join my upcoming free training.


It’s called Three Proven Steps To Turn Your Passion Into A Proper Online Business.


In this session, I will show you the exact steps I followed, which allowed me to monetize my passion and travel around the world doing what I truly love to do.


Register by clicking here. There should be a link under this video on YouTube. Enter your details and I’ll send you a link to your inbox that you can click to join our private meeting.


I'll take you through this immersive training and by the end of it, you'll know exactly which system to follow, and the ideal business model that will work for you. I hope you enjoy the free gift from me.


In the comments box below, be sure to let me know your biggest takeaway from today's video.


Also LIKE this video if you did and share it with just one person who you know would benefit. Life is about paying it forward.


As always, follow your heart, my friend and take action. Go live the life you're truly born to live.


Have a great rest of the day and speak to you soon.

Today, Insider, I want to answer a question which constantly pops up everywhere.


I've been asked this question by so many of you over on Instagram, Facebook, email—you name it, I see the question on it.


Especially when I'm speaking on stages all around the world! I get a lot of people putting their hands up and asking, ‘what's the best life advice you've ever received?’


The best life advice I've got from all of the successful people I've been lucky enough to hang around with is definitely this one thing which I’m going to share with you in my video today.


But first a bit of background to what was happening in my life when I received this one great piece of advice.


About four to five years ago, I was working a nine-to-five job. During that period I had a lot of side businesses and so forth but it was getting that point where I wanted to really start sharing my message online.


But as I was an introvert with social anxiety, I wondered how would I find the confidence to do that? My biggest fear was going on camera to talk about my opinions.


I asked my boss at the time, and he gave me the invaluable advice that I still use today and never forgot.


When I asked my boss this important question, first he said: “how would you describe me Tim?”


I said, “you're quite crazy, I've never actually met somebody like you. Because just the other day you came into the office and said that you randomly thought of an idea while in the shower. And instead of thinking about it, you'd already bought me the flight tickets and said I'll be flying over to Philippines to spend time with farmers and we'll be launching this big chocolate project soon.”


When I told him what I thought of him, I was amazed by what his reply to me was, and I’ve never forgotten it.

Watch my video today, Insider, to see how my crazy boss gave me the best life advice I’ve ever been given. Here is a hint—it’s to do with my favourite phrase—taking action!


As you go off and start your day today, use my message to get in the game. Don’t hold back any longer, waiting on the side-lines, because time is precious and we mustn’t waste it.


As always, my friend, follow your heart and take action and go live the life you were truly born to live! I will speak to you very soon, Insider!

I once heard this quote by Benjamin Franklin, which was along the lines of:

“Most people die at the age of 25 but they're not buried until they are 75.”

Sounds unbelievable, doesn’t it? But I can't tell you how true this has been for me. I spent most of my life wasting every single day and trying to escape from reality because I hated my work and I hated everything around me and the results I was getting.

Are you in that situation right now, Insider? Maybe not as extreme as I was, but do you feel like you don’t enjoy your work or your life? Or maybe you’re trying to escape reality every day?

Are you filling your time with random things which may be fun, or just routine?

Do you feel aimless and undecided about what to do with your life?

Are you constantly looking forward to future events and not enjoying the present moment?

Now at this point in my life, I have realised there are three signs that I wish I’d known back then. They would have helped me to wake up much sooner. Because so many people on this planet today will die never having lived their lives fully!

Right now, if you feel like your job is something you dread—bear in mind that most of your year will be spent working—we're talking two thousand plus hours here! If you're just going to be looking forward to the weekend, that is one miserable life.

That's why in today's video, I'm going to share with you the three signs that show you may be wasting your life right now.

You may be scared to admit it, but remember it's through awareness that you can create a transformation, so pay close attention to the tips I give you.

I hope you found today's video helpful! If so, join us in our upcoming live training that we're hosting. I'll be sharing with you exactly what I did to start my side business monetizing my passion. If you'd like to register there's also a free gift from me because I help people like yourself in your situation.

Be sure to click that like button and comment below as regards your biggest takeaway.

What is the biggest thing that you're going to take action on today?

My one wish from me to you is that you just follow your heart and take action. There are people who are not here today who were here yesterday, so don't waste your life.

Don't tell yourself these stories saying, ‘one day it's going to happen for me!’ That one day needs to be today so do what it takes! I believe in you, Insider!

Are you a high achiever?

You are pushing yourself hard to achieve all you want and desire, but there is so much to do.

You thought all it would take to achieve all you desire is hard work, but there are so many things cropping up that you never thought about. Extra work and unexpected challenges which just come out of the blue!

Does this sound like you?

If you feel like you’re on the edge of burning out, or actually burnt out, please feel reassured that you aren’t the only one.

There are many people in the same situation, who throw themselves into their passion and desire to achieve so much in one area, but forget other things are just as important.

Are you forgetting self care—you’re not eating properly, just grabbing a few snacks? Or not getting as much sleep as you need because there are not enough hours in the day to do all the work you need to?

Maybe you’re not seeing your family and friends enough? Or you’re spending more money than you can afford on your business, or letting negative comments about you and your business get inside your head?

In my latest video, I interview someone you might have heard of—Mike Chang, who created a successful business making millions of dollars, but learned some important lessons from this. He had to disconnect from social media for many years so he could reconnect with himself, find out what his own values were, who he really was and take better care of himself health-wise.

Tune into my interview with Mike, to learn:
The best health habits for you to do as high achievers
The lessons you learn when you create millions of dollars online
The hard lessons Mike learned when he disconnected from social media for 4+ years
How to handle adversities and power through no matter what

When you’ve watched it, please let me know what you think in the comments box below!

Our desks…

They're one piece of furniture that we'll spend the majority of our time when we're working on our desktops or laptops.

And well, have you heard of the phrase: “Sitting is the new smoking”?

The premise of that is basically saying how detrimental sitting is to our health. And so, because of the amount of time we spend at our desks? I want to share with you my personal desk set up that helps me stay productive and in good health.

So once you’ve watched the video, share in the comments below what you're going to add to your productive desk regime! Do you already have another set up that works really well for you? Let us know in the comments!

As always, follow your heart & take massive action! Go live the life you were born to live.

From your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

Think that you need to be smart in order to be successful? Let me challenge you on that.
I was inspired to make today's video when I found my old school reports…
If you know anything about my story, you'll know that the earlier years in my life up to the age of 17, I didn't always do well in school. In fact, a lot of teachers truly believed – and made me believe at the time – that I would amount to nothing.
And so, today I want to share with you how success is more than the grades you had in school. Not to mention, answering the ultimate question; “Are you DUMB enough to be successful?”
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below your biggest takeaway from this.
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
This is something that we seek on a daily basis to keep pushing through any challenge we face, right?
Well today, I've compiled 7 of my personal top Motivational Quotes that will help gear you up for success!
So tell me, which was your favourite quote? Or, if you have your own, let us know in the comments below! 
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
If this is something you're struggling to upkeep on a daily basis, chances are because you haven't created the habits for them yet.
That’s why in today’s video, I’m sharing with you the 3 Daily Habits of Highly Motivated People! As I filmed this video, I was on a family holiday in Japan– and even then I was continually motivated to follow through with this 100 video upload challenge. And it's all because I've created these habits for myself.
Now it's your turn Insider!
So once you’ve watched the video, let me know in the comments below what you’ve taken away after you’ve watched this! And if you have any personal habits you perform on a daily basis to help you with your motivation – let us know below!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
This is something that we seek on a daily basis to keep pushing through any challenge we face.
If you're finding yourself at a breaking point or a crossroad– watch this. In life it's so important to know when to take a step back and rest, instead of giving up entirely.
So sit back and come with me on this journey in today’s video for a motivational boost!
So once you’ve watched the video, I would love to hear in the comments below what you’ve taken away after you’ve watched this. 
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han

There's just a small handful of things that I think about on a daily basis… and today? I wanted to let you in on one of them– which is all about the brutal truth about life that no one wants to hear.

But hey, I'm not here to cushion you on your journey Insider– and that's because I truly care about you achieving the results you've always been able to get. And sometimes, that's going to happen by hearing a couple of brutal truths along the way.

When I truly step into this state, it really allows me to treasure life on a completely new level. And that's something that I want for you too.

So once you’ve watched the video, comment below your biggest takeaways from this brutal truth video! 
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han