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There is an epidemic taking over the world that most people are not prepared for.

In just over a few months since the COVID-19 outbreak the world has begun shutting down;

Countries are closing their borders, businesses are boarding up their doors, and people are being forced to remain isolated in their homes.

Here's the sad reality… 

Many people will go broke after losing their jobs, livelihoods and potentially their homes over the coming weeks and months.

And although this is the fate for a lot of people, it does not have to be your fate.

The way we handle our response to COVID-19 determines how well we will cope.

You see, life is a refection of us. 

If we see chaos – we are feeling chaos within.

This is key reason why successful people such as Warren Buffett are successful;

They are rational and composed at all times and never let external forces control them.

To learn exactly what it is that guarantees if you will go broke watch my new video, which is especially relevant to the current coronavirus (covid-19) outbreak.

Your friend and mentor,

Tim Han


Also, I highly recommend reading my other article on Coronavirus Anxiety: How Successful People Handle Chaos and Uncertainty

Coronavirus has plunged the world into complete anxiety, chaos and uncertainty.

The daily news about the coronavirus can seem relentless and is making a lot of people feel very scared and hopeless.

And all of this anxiety is taking its toll on many people's mental health.

You see, our brains are hardwired to make much of modern life difficult. This is especially true when it comes to dealing with the coronavirus and handling anxiety, chaos and uncertainty.

The less information we have to go on, the more irrational and erratic our decisions usually become. Which is why you see many people panic buying in shops around the world, since many of us our misinformed by either the media or other people around us.

On the bright side, if you know the right tricks, you can override your brain’s irrational tendencies and handle uncertainty effectively.

Successful people know this and is the reason why they live in the real world. They don’t paint any situation as better or worse than it actually is, and they analyze the facts for what they are.

They remain calm and rational, and as a result will be able to cope far better during this coronavirus pandemic than most people.

So how can we all handle anxiety, chaos and uncertainty and help to protect our mental health?

In this article's video I've put together several tips on how successful people handle chaos and uncertainty.

So be sure to watch the video above to learn how you can overcome this coronavirus anxiety.

Your friend and mentor,

Tim Han


Please share this article and video with your family and friends and anyone you think it would help. You may also like to read about my 3 Top Stress Management Techniques which can help you manage stress in any situation. 

Life can be stressful, so its important that we properly learn how to deal with stress in order to make sure we are performing at our best.

Stress can negatively affect our body, thoughts and feelings, and our behavior.

And the longer and the more frequently we experience stress, the more likely we will start having more serious health problems.

In today's video I will be sharing with you the top 3 Stress Management Techniques which use can start using right away.

So, if you're ready to discover exactly How to Deal With Stress then be sure to watch the video above – and make sure you pay very close attention!

Your mentor and friend,

Tim Han


P.S. Do you ever find yourself falling back on your promises to stick to your habits? If so, Click Here to discover 5 proven steps to stick to your habits.

Here's what happened when I quit Youtube for 30 Days…

I started recording myself and making videos for YouTube back in 2015, and at first I found it very hard.

You see, I am an introvert and I really struggled with the thought of others seeing me and rejecting me.

All of this fear and these limiting beliefs stemmed from my childhood where I was bullied and seen as an outcast.

Which caused me anxiety around others later in life.

However, what made me really push myself to be on YouTube and be seen by millions, is one simple fact…

In order to accomplish my goals and dreams I had to become a leader and share my story with the world.

And I couldn't have done this if I hid behind the camera or just spoke with my voice alone.

I had to get outside of my comfort zone and really stretch myself!

Now when my videos started to take off and go viral, I kept at it;

Video after video, week after week – consistently creating content with the goal of inspiring more and more people.

But after a while, that pressure and constant focus took its toll.

I began to loose my focus and clarity, and admittedly, I felt very down.

And as my YouTube uploads became more and more random and inconsistent, I just knew I had to make a change.

So, I decided to quit YouTube for 30 days and see what happened.

And today, I'm going to share with you…

You can click here to Watch the video > 


As always Insider,

Follow your heart and take action!



Check out my other article to discover what is the #1 Enemy Holding You Back

Here's a quick question for you: Have you ever made a bad decision in your life, something that you later regretted down the line and thought to yourself, why did I even think of doing that?

If so, then today's important topic covering the 3 bad thinking habits that destroy your success – is for you.

Habits are the key to succeeding in life;

Regardless of whether it involves adopting the good ones, or kicking the bad ones. Success will revolve around your habits, so thinking carefully before adopting any new ones that may cause issues when trying to pursue you dreams and desires…

Bad habits can easily kill people’s dreams and desires, because their destructive and not constructive traits. And making destructive traits a habit won’t get you off the ground, they’ll make sure you stay firmly on it.

So if you're ready to discover these 3 bad thinking habits that destroy your success – click here to watch the video, and be sure to take note of the third and most important bad thinking habit.

You can read more about self-sabotaging habits here.

As always Insider, follow your heart and take action!

Your friend and mentor,
Tim Han

Coping with negative emotions and stress is a common problem for many people, and most people go through their whole lives without fully knowing how to deal with negative emotions and stress that keep coming up when their under pressure or hurt.

Stressed woman looking sad.

Dealing with Negative Emotions and Stress…

Luckily, there's several proven ways to deal with negative emotions and stress, that doesn't involve practising yoga, meditation, or reading numerous audiobooks.

And these proven methods to overcoming negative emotions and stress are exactly what I'm about to reveal in today's video. So be sure to watch the video above after reading this article to discover the secrets.

Now, you may also want to practice my personal morning routine for ongoing stress reduction, extreme focus and discipline. Read about my Morning Routine here, and be sure to give a try!

Take care.

Your mentor & friend,


Have you every wondered why on some days you're so full of energy, getting so much done, while on other days you're completely lacking that energy and motivation, struggling to accomplish anything?

This lack of motivation that can be due to many factors, in some cases, even depression. Yikes!

If you can relate to this – don't panic, in today's video I'm going to walk you through the 5 most likely habits that are destroying your motivation.

But, before you watch the video – Remember…

It's only natural for you to be less motivated some days than others. In many cases, downswings in mood that hurt your motivation can be improved with a short nap and relaxation. One way that I  boast my energy and motivation for the day is with my morning meditation routine. 

Now, some of these habits I discuss in the video may not sound that bad or too serious at all, yet if you continue to ignore them you will continue to get the same results.

So, don't wait any longer and click on the video above to learn exactly what these 5 habits are, that destroy your motivation.

Your mentor and friend,


P.S – If you want to live a fulfilling, motivating and inspiring life, don’t allow yourself to be controlled by any of these 3 things… [Click Here to Read More]

Are people not taking you seriously?

Maybe they're bullying you or putting you down?

If it's any of these things, it's all a result of this one simple fact, which I'll reveal to you today.

You'll discover the simple and single hard truth that is preventing people from taking you seriously.

And, believe me, it may hurt to admit it.

It may even be difficult for you to realize it.

But that's why so many people struggle to achieve respect, even around their own friends and family.

Take it from me, I went through a low period of my life where people would always over-talk me in conversations and totally dismiss what I had to say.

But when it came down to it, this was because no-one respected me.

And that all changed when I learned this life-changing secret that caused people to start taking me seriously.

And that's what I'll share with you in this video.

So, if you're ready to gain proper respect and authority in front of your family, friends and also people you don't know, then check out this video.

It will change everything about your life.



Do you find whenever you're surrounded by negative people, it's really easy for you to start being negative as well?

It's contagious isn't it? Especially when one person complains, it makes you want to complain and it continues like that.

Here in London today it's said to be one of the hottest ever days, so you can guess what the conversation is like. Everyone's saying, “oh it's too hot.”

And then when it's cloudy and grey, like normal weather here in England, everyone's saying, “oh it's too cold, where's the sun?”

We're living in a crazy society, and that's why I want to share with you some tips to help you stop absorbing other people's negative energy.

You're going to find this extremely useful, if right now you're surrounded by toxic people. So be sure to pay close attention because it comes down to 3 fundamental steps.

As I said regarding the weather, the overabundance of negative energy is a big problem these days, but if you follow my advice in this video, you’ll be able to handle it as well as possible.

Watch today to learn:

As always, follow your heart and take action, my friend!

It’s a special anniversary today, Insider! In the video, I’ll show you the very camera that started my dream four years ago. On the 16th July 2015, I came home from work with this crazy idea of pursuing my dream.

I was really shy, so having this dream of wanting to change people's lives and share my advice online was such a scary thing.

But I decided to create this channel called Success Insider, I took this camera and, hands trembling, I began to post videos online.

Little did I know that this single action would end up becoming something. I quit it for about six months in 2015, and didn't start again until the beginning of 2016, when I told myself: “You can't quit. You know what quitting feels like, so let's see what happens when you don't.”

That's why I decided to go all-in—every single day, showing up, doing whatever it took, filming these videos after work.

By the middle of 2016 we were going viral and reaching millions of people. It's crazy to think how we reached over 30 million people around the world.

That's why today I’m going to share the 3 ugly truths that I’ve learned along this journey.

Each truth—no matter what you want to do, no matter where you are—is totally relevant and you'll see why in the video.

Watch today to learn:

I hope you enjoy the video today. I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, “thank you so much”, to those who have been part of my journey.

Of course it's not the end, we're part of this thing we call life and we have no idea when it's going to end.

Like many of you, I’ve lost family members recently and it just reminds me that life is so short.

It's this that prompts me to keep everybody at peace. Because you just never know when the final conversation will be with the people who you truly love.

That's why I just want to say I care about you, keep doing what it takes. Some of you may not believe you can do it, or you may not feel like you're ready for it, but just remind yourself: although you may not feel like it, the world needs you to be ready.

As always Insider, follow your heart my friend, and take action and go live the life you truly want to live.