Today, Insider, I want to answer a question which constantly pops up everywhere.
I've been asked this question by so many of you over on Instagram, Facebook, email—you name it, I see the question on it.
Especially when I'm speaking on stages all around the world! I get a lot of people putting their hands up and asking, ‘what's the best life advice you've ever received?’
The best life advice I've got from all of the successful people I've been lucky enough to hang around with is definitely this one thing which I’m going to share with you in my video today.
But first a bit of background to what was happening in my life when I received this one great piece of advice.
About four to five years ago, I was working a nine-to-five job. During that period I had a lot of side businesses and so forth but it was getting that point where I wanted to really start sharing my message online.
But as I was an introvert with social anxiety, I wondered how would I find the confidence to do that? My biggest fear was going on camera to talk about my opinions.
I asked my boss at the time, and he gave me the invaluable advice that I still use today and never forgot.
When I asked my boss this important question, first he said: “how would you describe me Tim?”
I said, “you're quite crazy, I've never actually met somebody like you. Because just the other day you came into the office and said that you randomly thought of an idea while in the shower. And instead of thinking about it, you'd already bought me the flight tickets and said I'll be flying over to Philippines to spend time with farmers and we'll be launching this big chocolate project soon.”
When I told him what I thought of him, I was amazed by what his reply to me was, and I’ve never forgotten it.
Watch my video today, Insider, to see how my crazy boss gave me the best life advice I’ve ever been given. Here is a hint—it’s to do with my favourite phrase—taking action!
As you go off and start your day today, use my message to get in the game. Don’t hold back any longer, waiting on the side-lines, because time is precious and we mustn’t waste it.
As always, my friend, follow your heart and take action and go live the life you were truly born to live! I will speak to you very soon, Insider!
Every day, Insider, you are literally pouring your hard-earned cash into the ocean.
Unless you awaken to the fact that you are doing these three costly things, they are going to cost you.
So be sure to pay close attention to the advice I will give you in my video today, but most importantly, take action on removing these costly habits.
Just knowing about them won’t help—you need to actively work on removing them and going forward in your career.
I have three tips to help you cut out these costly habits from your life.
Firstly, how do you move through your life? Do you love to be busy and active, filling your day with tasks? Or do you prefer a more streamlined approach to your days?
The type of routine and habits you follow can have a great impact on your life, so tip number one will make this clearer for you.
And are you a starter or a finisher with your projects? Do you have a lot of projects going on, or do you focus on doing one at a time? My advice on this point will make a difference to your productivity.
Do you look forward to ‘one day’ when you will have achieved all you set out to do and because of this, you will be super happy and fulfilled? Pay attention to what I say about feelings because it is important to get into the right mindset.
Move forward strongly, Insider, and make sure you get rid of these three costly things you're doing way too much of.
I hope you found today's video helpful—if you have, be sure to click the like button and comment below.
What's the one thing, out of the three I talked about today, that you're going to ensure you removed this week?
Let me know and I’ll be sure to get back to you.
Share this video, Insider, with a friend or loved one, because I truly believe life's about paying it forwards.
I believe it's about contributing and giving and serving, and that's why I provide these videos to you.
So I’d really appreciate if you could share this video with a friend or loved one. Just one friend or loved one who could truly benefit from it.
Thank you, and as always follow your heart, my friend and take action and let's go transform people's lives together.
Do you wonder why you’re having so much trouble closing your sales?
You are trying hard and doing all the things you know you should do, but you’re just not getting the number of sales you want, and think you should be getting.
Don’t beat yourself up—there is a secret that maybe you don’t know, which I am going to show you today so you can close more sales than you do now.
If you listen and take to heart this advice I’m going to give you, you can make changes and move forward confidently into selling more of what you are offering.
In my video, you will find out:
Tune in to find out what I say about the above points and how you can use the tips in your life to close more sales.
They all really tie up nicely into one secret, as I mentioned, so it’s really not as complicated as it looks!
I hope you found my video helpful—if you have, be sure to click the like button and comment below.
How did you use the information I gave you today? Did you see results immediately or did you start more slowly? Let me know and I’ll be sure to get back to you.
Share this video with a friend or loved one who you know would benefit, because I truly believe life is about paying it forwards.
As always, follow your heart, my friend, and take action and let's go transform people's lives together.
Insider, if you're anything like me you may be a popcorn machine. That's what my team calls me, in terms of ideas.
I'm currently out in San Diego at the moment and before this I was out in Nashville attending an event. As you can imagine, when you're thirty hours into an event, you get so many business ideas as regards to what you can do!
But remember, knowledge is never power—that's the big problem I find with a lot of people. They are reading tons of books, checking out lots of videos but never getting results.
The reason is because what you implement is power! Not just having the knowledge.
That's why I'll just quickly share with you (before my taxi arrives) a few tips about this situation—what should you do when you've got too many ideas?
In my video I will give you advice about what to do with the huge number of ideas you get—how can you work out and prioritise which are important to you?
Time is valuable so you need my tips to stop you wasting it.
Then you need to make a plan—how will you execute these important and exciting ideas, and not just let them go to waste? There is a secret to stop yourself getting overwhelmed.
Talking of being overwhelmed, I will share with you a way to stop this. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the amount of information you find. And you end up wondering—what do I need to learn and how can I find it?
Follow my tips in this video and all those questions above will be answered.
I hope you found this to be helpful! By the way last week I didn't post videos because I was totally immersed in this event I was attending.
But expect to see some more videos coming your way because on Friday we're heading out to LA and taking my mum out there for the first time. And of course you’ll see Toma and my sister Alice on the video.
Have a great day and take action on what you learned today. Remember knowledge is not power—its potential power! As always follow your heart, take action and go live the life you truly want to live.
The biggest mistake we introverts make is to assume that it's only the gifted few who are able to connect deeply with people.
We assume we can’t hit it off with people we don’t know, because we are perhaps shy and nervous, we don’t know what to say, we think we’re boring or we feel self-conscious.
I want you to realize you can absolutely connect deeply with others, no matter how shy you are, because I've been there. Despite all the speaking and meeting people that I do, I am an introvert.
I realized over the years that you can use psychology and mind hacks to your advantage. There are these five steps which if you adopt today, you'll notice a huge difference in your ability to connect with anyone you want to.
It seems daunting at first but believe me, if you take that first step and keep going, you will soon be much more confident when you meet people you don’t know. You will be able to connect with anyone and enjoy doing it as well!
So make sure to pay close attention to what I’m going to tell you. If you’ve ever wondered about these points, I will give you the information you need to do well in social situations.
I hope these five steps I shared with you today, Insider, have started you thinking about what you can do to take action on them. Which one will you start with to improve your skills of connecting with people?
Be sure to let me know in the comments box below what your biggest takeaway from today's session was. What you are going to take action on and how is it going?
If you like this video, share it with just one person that you know would benefit from it. Life is about paying it forwards and you could change their life!
Finally, I just want to say have an incredible rest of the day, my friend, and as always follow your heart and take action!
I’m going to be blunt with you today, Insider, because I find so many people out there with so much potential to achieve so much, but their life never changes.
They binge watch videos like mine, they've read tons of books, they go to all the seminars but they don’t do anything different in their lives.
It comes down to the fact that they haven’t turned just one thing into a habit, a thing which totally transformed my life 10 years ago when I was working as a toilet cleaner.
Every single day I was just hating my job but the reason why nothing was working was because I hadn't turned this one thing into a habit.
Do you feel that this is the situation you’re in? If so, don’t give up hope because I’m going to share with you the one habit you can change in your life and make it work for you instead of against you.
This one thing is to stop being a victim. And being a victim falls into three categories, which I’m going to talk about today.
If you resonate with these three states of being, that is why you are getting the results you are getting now.
Did you know that it is six to seven times more expensive to get a new customer than it is to keep your current ones?
That's why as a business owner it is so important that you learn how to create a customer fan base which raves about what you do for them.
You want fans who talk about your products or services for free and you want them to be so satisfied that they consistently buy more and more of them.
People have been asking me how have we been able to do it here at Success Insider—whenever I'm speaking on stages, they ask, ‘Tim, how have you got clients who have been with you from day one? Have you got a raving consumer fanbase? Because I often see them talk about your products and programs for free online on Facebook.’
Well, Insider, it's not some form of luck or trickery or manipulation—far from it!
I’m sure you know that the success of your business depends on how you treat your customers—that is obvious—but what is the secret of treating them exactly right so they come back again and again?
How about the product or service you actually deliver to your customers? Is it better to give them exactly what they want? Or to keep them wanting more? Or to give them more than they asked for?
Why did you choose the business you chose? Was it just something you thought looked good, or was it a burning passion of yours?
Do you think your customers feel like independent consumers or do they feel like part of a community or group?
How much do you share with the people who buy your products or services? Do they know the real you. or do they see a shiny logo and website with loads of information to read?
For the answers to these questions, watch my video today where I will share with you the five steps I have developed, so you can make sure your customers keep coming back time after time.
Remember this requires you to think differently. It's about coming from the right place and provided you do, your business will grow. But most importantly your customers’ lives will be transformed! So pay close attention to what I’m about to share with you in this video, my friend!
I hope you liked this video, and let me know in the comments box below—what are you going to take action on? I'll be sure to get back to you.
If you like this video, share it with an aspiring or current entrepreneur who you know will benefit from this message.
This life is all about paying it forwards, and as always, follow your heart my friend. Take action and let's go transform the world together.
I remember my speaking mentor once pulled me to one side to tell me something, and what he said was:
“Tim, I want you to realize that right now, you're just sharing so much logic and so much knowledge but you're not striking people’s emotions. Remember, people don't remember what you say but they do remember how you made them feel. That's why you’ve got to tell more great stories.”
The problem was at the time, I was terrible at telling stories—especially in English. As you know, it's not my first language.
Insider, do you ever ask yourself these questions about sharing a story with your audience?
What should you do to grab their attention and make sure they stay with you from the beginning to the end of your story?
How many details should you put into your story? Is it a question of the more the better? Or maybe you don’t need to share as many as you think?
Once you’ve got the audience into your story to begin with, how do you keep them captivated as it continues?
What do you want your audience to learn from your story? Do you want to give them a lot of lessons to take away and practice? Or just a couple of important ones?
Which method should you use to share your story? Maybe you could write a blog on your website? Or make a video? Or send out a newsletter that your subscribers can read offline?
I was awful at telling stories, and it wasn't until I discovered the five steps I'm going to share with you today, that I finally began to captivate the attention of my audience. It made such a big difference in regards to communication and influence—especially the final point. That is something I still do to this day!
All the answers you seek will be in my video today. So be sure to pay close attention, because this will transform your life and your business!
Let me know in the comments box below, Insider, which is your biggest takeaway from today's session. What are you going to take action on? What are you going to practice? Let me know and I'll get back to you.
If you like this video, also share it with a friend or loved one that you know would benefit from this. Especially business owners or aspiring entrepreneurs.
We’ve got to master this stuff—it’s so important in marketing. As always, follow your heart, my friend, and take action!
I once heard this quote by Benjamin Franklin, which was along the lines of:
“Most people die at the age of 25 but they're not buried until they are 75.”
Sounds unbelievable, doesn’t it? But I can't tell you how true this has been for me. I spent most of my life wasting every single day and trying to escape from reality because I hated my work and I hated everything around me and the results I was getting.
Are you in that situation right now, Insider? Maybe not as extreme as I was, but do you feel like you don’t enjoy your work or your life? Or maybe you’re trying to escape reality every day?
Are you filling your time with random things which may be fun, or just routine?
Do you feel aimless and undecided about what to do with your life?
Are you constantly looking forward to future events and not enjoying the present moment?
Now at this point in my life, I have realised there are three signs that I wish I’d known back then. They would have helped me to wake up much sooner. Because so many people on this planet today will die never having lived their lives fully!
Right now, if you feel like your job is something you dread—bear in mind that most of your year will be spent working—we're talking two thousand plus hours here! If you're just going to be looking forward to the weekend, that is one miserable life.
That's why in today's video, I'm going to share with you the three signs that show you may be wasting your life right now.
You may be scared to admit it, but remember it's through awareness that you can create a transformation, so pay close attention to the tips I give you.
I hope you found today's video helpful! If so, join us in our upcoming live training that we're hosting. I'll be sharing with you exactly what I did to start my side business monetizing my passion. If you'd like to register there's also a free gift from me because I help people like yourself in your situation.
Be sure to click that like button and comment below as regards your biggest takeaway.
What is the biggest thing that you're going to take action on today?
My one wish from me to you is that you just follow your heart and take action. There are people who are not here today who were here yesterday, so don't waste your life.
Don't tell yourself these stories saying, ‘one day it's going to happen for me!’ That one day needs to be today so do what it takes! I believe in you, Insider!
Hey Insiders! What would you do if something happened and you had to go back to zero and start from the beginning again? If your hard earned money and lifestyle suddenly disappeared and you found yourself struggling and back where you started.
What is the first thing you’d do in the first 30 days to get yourself back up to the level you were?
Today I’m interviewing a Success Insider called Ryan Serhant. He's an American real estate salesperson and reality television star who's been featured on Bravo's million dollar listing in New York. He's also a real estate powerhouse as his team at Nest Seekers International sold over 830 million in real estate in 2017.
He has lots of advice and wisdom about how to be more successful financially as he has been there and done that, as they say!
Everyone wants to make more money and be more secure, find their purpose and get out of bed every morning full of happiness and excitement about the day, the month, the year ahead.
Without guidance though, you’ll just go through your life in the same way for a long time, without knowing what to do and how to be more successful.
Do you often wonder:
• How do you keep going when times are hard?
• Why are you stuck in a ‘survival job’ which you know won’t help you reach your financial goals?
• Are your time management, self-discipline and motivation skills good enough?
This is why you need advice from people who have been there and found their way themselves. This is what I did, Insider—I took advice from people who were further ahead of me in my journey to success.
You're going to really love today's episode, especially if you want to become more financially successful like Ryan. So be sure to pay close attention. This interview is packed with the information you need to move forward towards your goals.
Tune in to my interview to learn what Ryan says about those questions, and hear his thoughts about:
• The way he structures his day
• How to move through the worst times
• Why acting makes people better at sales
• How to get out of your own way
• What to do if you have to start again from the beginning
And much more!
I hope you enjoyed and learned from this video today, Insider. Let me know in the comments box below what is your biggest takeaway from today's interview. Follow your heart and take action, my friends!