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Hey Insider!

Have you ever wondered how some people manage to instantly catch people's attention to listen to, and how it's like an uphill battle for others?

Well, in today’s video I’ve got something very special to share with you. And this is something that pretty much NO ONE ELSE will tell you in the speaking industry. Why? Because they're using this skill on you to influence you.

Trust me, this isn’t something you’ll find in books or training courses either.

Today is all about “How To Speak So That People Want To Listen.”

So the next time you would like to share an idea with others, this is how to need to speak in order to grab their attention for them to listen.

So once you’ve watched the video, share in the comments below your thoughts of this!

As always, follow your heart & take massive action! Go live the life you were born to live.

From your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

Hey Insider!

Have you ever wondered which habits you need to master in order to appear confident whilst public speaking?

Well, in today’s video I’ve got something very special for you. I’m going to be sharing the #1 Secret to Master Public Speaking – that NO ONE ELSE will tell you. This #1 secret has allowed me to impact millions of people across the globe by going viral multiple times.

Trust me, this isn't something you'll find in books or training courses either.

So once you’ve watched the video, share in the comments below your thoughts of this #1 secret!

As always, follow your heart & take massive action! Go live the life you were born to live.

From your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

Hey Insider!
Have you ever wondered what it really takes to stay motivated through the highs and lows of life?
Well today, I'm revealling my personal secret weapon to stayed motivated everyday.
In today’s video, I'm sharing what I spoke about at my flagship event this year during a Q&A. Pay close attention to the nugget of wisdom I share towards the end of the video that can really set you into a state of action.
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below the takeaways you got from this video as well as what your everyday secret weapon for motivation is!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
Hey Insider!
Today I was with the POLICE!
But, not for the same reasons why I was 10 years ago 😉
Today I'm taking you behind the scenes with me as I travelled to speak to a room full of Police Officers who wanted to learn how to create a life of freedom through starting an online business.
If you know anything about my story is that… 10 years ago? I was on the other side of the law literally running away from the police! So it's so ironic that this day came where I would be able to speak in front the Police as a transformed man – dedicated to helping others to achieve their dreams.
As the great saying goes; “Never let your past define your future.”
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
Hey Insider!
Have you ever considered how your body language can often be a more accurate form of communication other than verbal?
Well, in today's animated video I'm sharing the 5 Body Language Secrets of Successful People that you can learn today and begin implementing in YOUR life to enhance your communication skills.
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below which of the 5 secrets resonates the most with you that you're going to implement straightaway in your life!
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han
Hey Insider!
If you're currently in business or about to take the leap, you'll know that your customers are the lifeline of your business – period.
In today’s video, I'm sharing why the trust between your company and your customer is SO important – and how to avoid the biggest mistake that many business owners make as their company scales.
So once you’ve watched the video, comment below what was your biggest takeaway and how you're going to create a stronger relationship of trust with your customers.
As always, follow your heart & take massive action – & Go live the life you were born to live!
From your Friend & Coach,
Tim Han

Hey Insider!

On your journey towards success, whilst considering all the things you should do – have you ever given a second thought to the things you shouldn't?

Last week I was a guest lecturer to hundreds of Masters and PHD students studying entrepreneurship, at one of the most prestigious universities in the UK – University College of London (UCL).

I wasn't sharing more strategies with them per say, but honing in on the key lessons I've learned after interviewing some of the greatest leaders and most successful people in the world. That's why in this video, I'm sharing the 3 Things Successful People Will NEVER Do Again – so that you can avoid making the same costly mistakes.

As the great Chinese proverb says;

“To know the road ahead, ask those who are coming back.”

So once you’ve watched the video, share in the comments below your biggest takeaway!

As always, follow your heart & take massive action! Go live the life you were born to live.

From your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han


Hey Insider!

Have you ever wondered which habits you need to master in order to appear confident whilst public speaking?

Well, in today's video I've got something very special for you. I'm sharing the 3 Secrets to Looking Confident Whilst Public Speaking – whilst doing public speaking! This was at a private Inner Circle Event I was running earlier this week to my top end mentees who have each invested $14,000 to be here – so this is something different to throw in the mix for sure!

So once you’ve watched the video, share in the comments below which strategy resonated the most with you and why – and that you're going to implement moving forwards for your public speeches!

As always, follow your heart & take massive action! Go live the life you were born to live.

From your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

Hey Insider!

So today is a pretty special occasion because I'm sharing with you the behind the scenes of my latest trip to London where I was invited to speak at the Parliament!

It's crazy how just one year ago – I did not know anything about public speaking. But I still put myself out there regardless and the speaking opportunities that have been coming my way have been incredible.

So that just goes to show, that when you open your mind and truly commit yourself to MASTERY – the opportunities will come.

Comment below what is your biggest takeaway after watching this video!


As always, follow your heart & take action – and go live the life you were born to live.

Your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

Hey Insider!

Can you guess what every visionary influencer like Steve Jobs or Elon Musk has in common?

It’s the ability to communicate their core message, ideas and vision through Public Speaking.

Public Speaking is regarded as the #1 fear in the world.. and yet, it’s the very skill that can transform the world too. That’s why today I’m going to be sharing with you my 5 POWERFUL Ways to Becoming a Better Public Speaker.

Why am I doing this? Because I’ll bet that you were drawn to this video for a reason. You’ve got something incredible to share with the world, and you’re not sure where to start.

Start here with Public Speaking.

So once you’ve watched the video, share in the comments below which strategy resonated the most with you and why.

As always, follow your heart & take massive action! Go live the life you were born to live.

From your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han