A wise man once said, “Be picky with who you invest your time with, as wasted time is worst then wasted money”.
Because, the truth is…
If you want to fly, you need to get rid of the things that are weighing you down.
By watching today's video, you'll discover the 5 types of toxic people you should and must avoid.
Some of their traits include pathological liars signs, manipulators, negative people, emotional abuse, toxic friends and even distant family members.
The people who we surround ourselves with, are the people we tend to become.
So if you're in a situation now where you're unsure if people around you have a positive or negative influence on you, then watch this video to reach clarity and discover what you need to do.
As always, follow your heart and take action, my friend!
Do you feel like something’s holding you back from pursuing your real goals and dreams?
If so, then you’re not alone.
I used to struggle a lot with this a few years a go, but when I stumbled upon the 3 secrets to developing a mentally strong mind – I was finally able to turn my whole life around and start achieving my goals and dreams.
In this video you'll learn how to:
And best of all…
With these habits, you wont even need to use meditation, hypnosis and subliminal messages to achieve a mentally strong mind.
I had a little of time after the end of LMA Season 5 to edit together some of the amazing experiences my students had during the Life Mastery Achievers program…
Which I thought I'd share with you today.
As their coach, to see my students, who I have bonded with over the last 6 weeks, transform and achieve something incredible within such a short period of time, makes me so proud.
It marks yet another successful season for LMA, and a milestone for our graduates…
Who have come from all around the world, battling with their own problems and struggles…
Social anxiety, confidence, lack of clarity and direction within life, procrastination and much more.
The hardest part for them was the fact that they tried everything and were beginning to lose hope.
But by joining LMA, they discovered that they weren’t alone in their journey, which has empowered them to overcome the obstacles that once held them back.
And as their coach, I couldn’t be prouder.
I’ve left a link below where you can read more about LMA
Have an amazing day Insiders and remember to…
Follow your heart and take action!
Are people not taking you seriously?
Maybe they're bullying you or putting you down?
If it's any of these things, it's all a result of this one simple fact, which I'll reveal to you today.
You'll discover the simple and single hard truth that is preventing people from taking you seriously.
And, believe me, it may hurt to admit it.
It may even be difficult for you to realize it.
But that's why so many people struggle to achieve respect, even around their own friends and family.
Take it from me, I went through a low period of my life where people would always over-talk me in conversations and totally dismiss what I had to say.
But when it came down to it, this was because no-one respected me.
And that all changed when I learned this life-changing secret that caused people to start taking me seriously.
And that's what I'll share with you in this video.
So, if you're ready to gain proper respect and authority in front of your family, friends and also people you don't know, then check out this video.
It will change everything about your life.
Do you ever feel super awkward saying NO to people, or maybe even Rude?
And as a result, you end up saying YES to a lot of things, you eventually regret?
If this sounds like you, then take a look at today's video.
Where you'll discover the 3 simple steps that will allow you to say No to people without sounding Rude or feeling guilty.
Steve Jobs was famous for saying, that it's only by saying no, that you will be able to truly concentrate on what matters in our life.
So, by the end of this video you'll have become a pro at saying no — the right way, as well as understand:
So, are you ready to stop people-pleasing and take control of your life?
If yes, then watch the video, and make it happen!
Have you ever asked yourself something like, what have I done today?
Or daydreamed about something that you'd love to make a reality, but you never do?
If so, then this video is for you, and here's my 4-step system you'll learn from it:
You'll learn why planning tomorrow, today is essential for being productive.
It can help you focus on what's important and is the first step in achieving your life goals.
I'll explain how to set yourself up to win, every day.
Also, how to create and stick to a motivating, energizing morning habit that will electrify your willpower and boast your productivity.
You'll finally learn how to properly reflect on your day.
Not only to look at what went wrong and what you could do better, but also how to take action and start making improvements.
And, if you feel like you've learned something valuable — be sure to spread the message.
Share the video with your family and friends, so that they too can learn how to improve their lives.
Do you find whenever you're surrounded by negative people, it's really easy for you to start being negative as well?
It's contagious isn't it? Especially when one person complains, it makes you want to complain and it continues like that.
Here in London today it's said to be one of the hottest ever days, so you can guess what the conversation is like. Everyone's saying, “oh it's too hot.”
And then when it's cloudy and grey, like normal weather here in England, everyone's saying, “oh it's too cold, where's the sun?”
We're living in a crazy society, and that's why I want to share with you some tips to help you stop absorbing other people's negative energy.
You're going to find this extremely useful, if right now you're surrounded by toxic people. So be sure to pay close attention because it comes down to 3 fundamental steps.
As I said regarding the weather, the overabundance of negative energy is a big problem these days, but if you follow my advice in this video, you’ll be able to handle it as well as possible.
Watch today to learn:
As always, follow your heart and take action, my friend!
Do you ever find yourself feeling really stressed or overwhelmed from all the work that keeps on piling up?
The stress is getting to you, and some days you end up feeling really burnt out and unable to perform.
If this is something that resonates, I want you to realize you're not alone. As high achievers this is our kryptonite. We're able to accomplish things that most people can't, but sometimes we push too hard, and wake up the next day not feeling as sharp as usual.
Benjamin Franklin once said: “give me six hours to chop down the tree and I’ll spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
Would you agree that sometimes, you forget to stop and sharpen your axe? And as a result it is getting blunt.
That's why today I’m going to share the mindset shifts that you must adopt, in order to approach your work and success like the world’s top 1%. Even though they are handling an extreme amount of pressure and workload, they're able to perform at a high level every single day.
It's all down to the way they're approaching their life, so be sure to pay close attention to what I’m sharing today.
When you learn the answers to these questions and more, you’ll realise what you need to do in order to stop being burnt out so often—if at all:
I hope you found today's video helpful. Here's a quick bonus tip: plan tomorrow today! Make this a habit in your life, it will totally change the game for you. Do it every single evening, don’t just wake up and wonder what you’re meant to do today. That means you're just reacting and if you're reacting, you're going to burn out because you're not focusing on what matters to you.
Make these actions a habit, and let me know in the comments box below which point resonated with you the most.
Please like this video if you do, and tell me which topics you'd like to see from me. Because I may feature your question on our channel and upcoming videos.
I just want to say thank you so much for checking out today's video. As always follow your heart, my friend, take action and go live the life you were truly born to live.
It’s a special anniversary today, Insider! In the video, I’ll show you the very camera that started my dream four years ago. On the 16th July 2015, I came home from work with this crazy idea of pursuing my dream.
I was really shy, so having this dream of wanting to change people's lives and share my advice online was such a scary thing.
But I decided to create this channel called Success Insider, I took this camera and, hands trembling, I began to post videos online.
Little did I know that this single action would end up becoming something. I quit it for about six months in 2015, and didn't start again until the beginning of 2016, when I told myself: “You can't quit. You know what quitting feels like, so let's see what happens when you don't.”
That's why I decided to go all-in—every single day, showing up, doing whatever it took, filming these videos after work.
By the middle of 2016 we were going viral and reaching millions of people. It's crazy to think how we reached over 30 million people around the world.
That's why today I’m going to share the 3 ugly truths that I’ve learned along this journey.
Each truth—no matter what you want to do, no matter where you are—is totally relevant and you'll see why in the video.
Watch today to learn:
I hope you enjoy the video today. I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, “thank you so much”, to those who have been part of my journey.
Of course it's not the end, we're part of this thing we call life and we have no idea when it's going to end.
Like many of you, I’ve lost family members recently and it just reminds me that life is so short.
It's this that prompts me to keep everybody at peace. Because you just never know when the final conversation will be with the people who you truly love.
That's why I just want to say I care about you, keep doing what it takes. Some of you may not believe you can do it, or you may not feel like you're ready for it, but just remind yourself: although you may not feel like it, the world needs you to be ready.
As always Insider, follow your heart my friend, and take action and go live the life you truly want to live.
Hey Insider! Let me ask you this deep question: “when all is said and done, would you have said more than you've actually done?”
For the vast majority of people the answer is ‘yes’. Because we live in a crazy distracted society today, where people think it’s okay to go back on their commitments and the promises that they're making to other people, and themselves.
They're literally scamming themselves out of their own potential! Don't be one of those people.
Today I’m going to share with you: what does it really take for you to finish strong?
How do you start like the world-class achiever that you are? How do you stay committed to your promises? How do you stop scamming yourself of your own potential?
It comes down to these 3 tips in today’s video. Make sure to act on them step by step. Are you ready?
If you study this information and internalise it, you will stand out from the crowd these days, because most people make empty promises and agreements they don’t mean to keep.
But of course don’t do this just for other people, do it for yourself to build your own self esteem and authenticity.
Watch today to learn:
I hope you enjoy this video, let me know which advice resonated with you the most and what you intend to take action on first!
Let's do this together, my friend. We're not here to just earn some money, pay some bills and die, we're here to change the world!
So just wake yourself up for a moment. If you fall off the track, it's fine—just pick yourself back up and continue along.
We're all here for you but we need you to stay committed, so if you're committed, comment right now in the comments box below.
Keep it up and keep doing what it takes! You're born to win so keep playing to win every single day.
As always follow your heart and take action!